Connor X Scared reader

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Plot: A storm has brewed and it so happens to be above your house, you are afraid of the loud banging and the thought of lighting coming from the sky and hitting your house always haunts you. From sensing your fear and hearing your whimpers Connor comes into your room (since he lives with you) and helps you through it. ((I got this idea from a one-shot book I read, if the person who owns the original idea would like me to take it down please dm me and I shall do so I mean no disrespect))

Your POV

A single tear slips out of my eye as another clap of thunder sounds from the sky. I whimper and curl into a tighter ball while covering my head with my hands. I know I look pathetic- a cop can't even stand a thunderstorm but I've had this fear since I was a kid and it's got worse since my mother died and couldn't put my mind at ease- now it has a mind of its own and thinks of the worst things that could happen.

A loud bang of thunder and a bolt of lighting that brightens up my room makes me yelp and squeeze my eyes shut tight. This is my idea of hell.

A knock on my door so nearly inaudible and the muffled "(Y/N), are you okay?" Is drowned out by the spitting sound of rain. Thunder claps again and I whimper- not expecting it. My door opens and closes and the all too familiar taps of shoes walks up to my bed.

"(Y/N)...?" Connor calls out, most likely from seeing my curled up figure. My eye are still glued shut so I can't see the colour of his LED or the facial expression on his face. I whimper and bury myself deeper into my knees when once again, thunder and lightning strikes.

"Oh (Y/N)..." Connor sounds sympathetic and he gently unwraps my now white knuckles from my knees and sits next to me, running a reassuring stroke across my palm. I open my eyes and look at Connor with teary eyes: I really am pathetic. I quickly sit up and wrap my arms around him, burying my head into his chest.

"What's the matter (y/-" I whimper as a lighting bolt lights my room again and he wraps his arms around my waist. By this point, I'm straddling him, but I couldn't care less right now all I need is comfort.

"It's okay, I'm here. Nothings going to happen to you," he coes and draws comforting circles into my sides. A shiver runs down my spine which means he scanned me. "Your energy levels are very low meaning you could pass out from exhaustion any moment, would you like me to sleep with you?" He whispers and I nod.

He lays us down so I'm facing his chest while he's spooning me and since he's much taller than me my face is in his chest again. I curl up and push myself into him even further when a clap of thunder come out of nowhere and he protectively wraps his arms around my petite figure. He starts humming the tune to 'Hush little baby' (the lullaby/nursery rhyme) blocking out all of the sounds from outside because his mouth is so close to my ear.

Soon enough I drifted off and Connor soon joined me.

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