Yandere!Connor pt 2

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Plot: Your roommate and self-proclaimed personal android has recently been sent a new update that allows him to feel freely, it sounds perfect, every deviant android's dream; to be able to properly feel emotions that are in their code, not just a glitch in their software.  Its unfortunate luck that you're android gets affected by a bug that comes with the update they have yet to patch up, and it changed him slowly, but the changes are drastic. 


The changes started slowly, and they were subtle. So subtle I didn't notice a thing, just passed it off as the new changes and him simply getting used to the unfamiliar feelings his software was sending him, and although I offered numerous of times to walk him through the emotions, he never once accepted, claiming 'he had figured them out already'.

The first sign something wasn't right with Connor was his constant need to be near me, and if I wasn't he was very unsettled. He would sometimes be angry too, sometimes going as far as accusing me of purposely avoiding him, going as far as saying that I was reconsidering having him as a roommate;

'Work was hectic today, so hectic that I and many of the other Detectives and Lutentinents had to stay an extra two whole hours to complete just a quarter of the cases we were all assigned to do. But, thankfully Captain Fowler let us all leave after Gavin and Hank made a scene about not being paid enough over time, which although was true I would never dare dring it up as they did... which was very blatant and vulgar.

I unlock my door and enter with a sigh of relief, kicking off my shoes and shrugging off my heavy coat which made my backache with the applied weight my work bag adds. Upon entering the house the first thing I notice is how silent it is, no TV on, no radio... nothing.

My suspicions are immediately high, as Connor is evidently home since his shoes are neatly placed by the door, and he doesn't leave the house without me recently to begin with so it's very unlikely he left. 

I call out his name while slowly walking into the living room, looking around to find it empty and seemingly untouched, no sigh he had recently been in the room other than a cold mug of tea which he no doubt prepared in advance for me to return home, like usual. I hum in confusion, turning around and walking to the kitchen and immediately noticing the door is slightly ajar, pushing it fully open to reveal Connor with his back to me, and I sigh in relief.

"There you are Connor, I thought you'd left or something," I say, relief clear in my voice which soon turns into worry as he shows no sign in turning around, "Hey Connor, are you okay..?"

I reach out to place a worried hand on his shoulder before he abruptly turns around, an expression I had never seen the usually calm android display before.

"Where have you been?" He questions, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at me expectantly, like a father's whose daughter had snuck out to go partying with her friends.

"I was at.. work?" I trail off, my voice sounding questioning, "Connor, is something wrong?"

"Work ended exactly two hours and fifteen minutes ago, don't try to trick me," He narrowed his eyes at me, and I start to feel uneasy by the way his tone is, "Now, I'll ask again. Where were you?"

"I was at work! Why would I have any reason to lie to you about that, Connor?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows, although his expression is still accusing, "I had to stay back with the other Lutentinents and detectives to catch up on work, it's been really busy recently Connor, you know that..."

"You've been acting different recently, (Y/N)," The way he said my name sent unnerving chills down my spine, "You've been distant, I have a suspicion you were avoiding coming home, you were avoiding me,"

"Wh..What?" I sputter, stepping back a few steps, "That's crazy Connor, what reason would I have to avoid you of all people?"

If possible, his stance became more guarded and accusing, and he takes the few steps forward that I took back, "Oh I don't know, maybe because you're considering getting a new roommate? Maybe one that is human, one that isn't an android which is more of a suitable companion than a machine "

Now, this, this ticks me off, "Why are you accusing me all of a sudden! I was late home from work, that's all. I'm not planning on replacing you, I'm not planning on avoiding you, and I'm certainly not thinking of kicking you out! I don't know what has made you think that, but get those thoughts out of your head!"

I gradually raise my voice, my frustration clear in my voice as I deny any thought which may be growing in his mind. As if my words flipped a switch in his brain, his posture goes back to normal and he doesn't give off the threating aura he was before, and he rubs his face in was appears to be a mix of confusion and embarrassment.

"Y..You're right (Y/N), I honestly don't know what came over me," He muttered, his hand slugging down in defeat as he gazed at the floor, "I'm so sorry for what I accused you of,"

Seeing him look so down tugged at my heart, so I sigh and place a comforting hand on his shoulder, smiling at him reassuringly, "It's fine Connor, I understand how confusing these new emotions can be. I'm sorry for raising my voice,"

And just like that, he returned to the normal kind Connor I had grown so familiar with. But, that didn't last long.


I know it's short but I wanted to post something as you guys have been so supportive and patient with my unstable upload schedule. There will be a part three soon, hopefully this week, and Connor will start to be more unstable.

The thing with the Yandere! Connors is that I want to develop the instability in him, not just go bam! Here is a yandere boy who transformed overnight into a heartless man you once loved. Nu-uh, I want to show the process until he's beyond fixable, that's why this is most likely gonna be a long series of one-shots.


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