Connor x Neko! Android! Reader

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Connor x Neko! Android! Reader

Plot: the number of cases that have been piling up on Hank's and Connors desks has become too much for only two people to handle, android or not. So, Captian Fowler decided to get the newest detective android so Hank would stop complaining and actually do his work.  Turns out the new model is a special type, as it comes with cat ears and a tail and is the first of its prototype. 

(Y/N) Point of View

I secure my police hat on top of my head, making sure my ears were completely covered in order to not freak out the officers in the department like instructed by Kaminski. I calmly walk into the Detroit Police Department and up to the android at the front desk, instantly gaining its attention.

"Android model (A/M android model), Occupation: Detective, Assigned to: Luitentent Hank Anderson," It  says and gives me an automated smile, "Welcome to Detroit Police Department, if you could follow me this way I will show you to Luitentent Andersons desk," 

I nod and follow it to were I presume is Lt. Andersons desk, as well as all of the other officers' desks. It leads me to a desk that looks like all the others, except for all the notes with anti-androids messages on and the multiple doughnut boxes staking on the desk.

"Lt. Anderson should arrive in 10 minutes, though he does have a tendency to arrive late," it informs and dismisses herself, walking back to it's station. I watch her leave and swiftly turn around, scanning and assessing my surroundings.

Only a few officers litter the desks spaced in the room, ever spacing out, eating or conversing with each other. I feel my tail swish behind me, an automated action that is in my program to happen every few minutes and make a quick reminder to buy some pants that have extra room at the back for my tail to be hidden in.

I stand idle by the desk and soon hear footsteps approach me, as well as sluggish footsteps following behind them.  I turn my head, my posture still remaining, to see an android and a man coming towards me or to be more specific, the desk I'm stood by.

I turn my body so I'm fully facing the approaching detectives and soon the android, an RK800 model, stops in front of me; It's slightly taller than my model so I have to look up to make eye contact. It goes to say something to me but the panting of the man who was following the android interrupted him.

"Connor, you need to stop walking to fast or your gonna send me to an early grave-" he says between pants and soon he lays his eyes on me, who now is scanning him for information, "-and who the fuck are you?"

I gathered that he was Luitentent Hank Anderson, age 53, and (judging by the hair on his coat and office chair) has a St. Bernard.

"I am (Y/N), an (A/M) sent by Kamaski himself to help aid you and your android in the upcoming cases," I explain, my LED flickering to yellow and back to baby blue.

"The great Kamaski himself actually bothered to send us something, huh?" He mutters, sarcasm deep in his voice and I nod.

"That is correct," I say and my gaze drifts to the android by Lt. Anderson's side who is staring at me. Lt. notices and hits it on the back of its head, making it look towards him in what appears to be confusion which it shouldn't be displayed as it's a machine

"Connor, stop staring it's creepy," He scolds and I discover that the androids name is Connor.

"Sorry, Hank," Connor apologizes, and I notice that he doesn't call Lt. Anderson by his professional name but instead his real name. 

"You damn creep," Hank mutters, but then continues normally, "I guess Connor should fill you in on the case we're doing, you two can share a desk,"

I nod and pull up a chair from a vacant desk and put it next to Connor, who was already sat down and logged into the computer. He pulled up some images of what seems to be a murder scene, then a bloody knife that had no fingerprints and the victims neck which did have fingerprints on.

"This is a case which we have been working on for over three days, and it is holding us up," Connor starts, "at first we thought it was just an android killing it's owner, as there are no fingerprints on the murder weapon which was found in the victims gut but then I detected fingerprints on the victims neck which belongs to a man who is in custody as we speak,"

I nod in understanding and look closer at the images, which in results make me lean onto Connor a bit as the computer is on his side. I don't pay to it as I study the image. I notice a tiny speck of what appears to be blue blood on the handle of the knife.

"Have you noticed the-" I yelp when I feel a sudden yank at my tail and look at Connor who is staring at me in curiosity. Another emotion androids shouldn't be displaying.

"Why do you have feline features?" Connor asks while reaching up to my police hat and take it off, revealing my cat ears.

"N-No reason!" I yelp quickly and grab my hat back, not caring if I'm acting unprofessional at the moment.

"Oh my lord, are lose cat ears?" I hear Hank say loudly and I whip my head towards him. 

"Y-Yes?" I say, well more of asked. Hank just sighs and pinches his nose.

"And why has Kamaski given you cat ears,"... "And a tail," Connor adds and Hank sighs again.

"Well, he was wondering if he mixed the components from an animal model with an Android model if the android would still function, and more importantly if it will pick up features from the animal if he mixes the blue blood from said animal and the android,"  I explain, securely putting my hat back on my head so it covers my ears again.

"Riiiight," Hank mutters, "Kamaski couldn't just send us a normal android, huh,"

I class that question as rhetorical and don't answer it. I turn back to Connor and see him once again staring at me but at my hat instead of my face.

"Anyways, as I was saying," I say, gaining his attention, "did you notice that fleck of blue blood right there," I point to the almost unnoticeable dot of blue on the screen and Connor looks closer at what I'm pointing out.

"No, no I did not," he mutters and swiftly stands up, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to an unknown place.

"Connor, where the fuck are you going with Cat-girl?" Hank yells and Connor simply replies with, "To the evidence room Hank!"

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