Connor x Vampire! Reader

765 15 14

white eye means gender-neutral.

This came to me in some strange ass dream

This came to me in some strange ass dream

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Stalking the dark streets of Detroit, everyone stayed clear of the ominous person glaring their way past the few people who were out at night. Their eye shined a threatening (E/C) hue as their orbs study everyone they walked past, analysing and picking out the best looking from the worse.

'Too much fat will be bitter...'

'Pregnant... no, that won't do'

'...too skinny, too young, too old.... ah-ha! Perfect,"

Quickly filtering everyone that stayed clear of them like it was a profession, the dark stranger's eyes zoomed in on a fit, a young-looking man walking straight towards them. They didn't waver when hazel eyes clashed with (E/C) ones and didn't move to the over the side of the road when they saw the darkly clothed person staring into their soul. Either he was stupid or was unaware of the nightly disappearance in Detroit that terrified the locals.

"Excuse me, young man," They called, putting on a friendly smile that displayed their pointed teeth. They had a hood that covered their face like a cloak, yet the man could easily see their gleaming eyes amongst the shadow it cast, and he slowed to a stop at the persons call.

"I'm new to these parts, and have no idea where I am going," They chuckled lightly, not noticing the LED flickering on the man's forehead that was dusted by his brown locks, "Could you show me the nearest bus stop? I am terrible in remembering directions, so if it's not to much hassle..."

The stranger trailed off, hoping the man caught that they wanted a guide. Although they tried to keep eye contact, they couldn't help drifting their (E/C) orbs to the man's neck, which pulsated with each pump of his heart, and they had to bite their lip to restrain their hunger. 

"No trouble at all, I'll show you right away," The man stated, eyes flickering to the persons' clenched fists that they pushed into the pockets of their trousers.

The pair started walking, and they hastily searched for a quiet place they could lure them in.

'Okay, (Y/N), don't screw this up...' They thought, glancing over to the man who had a neutral expression on their perfectly sculpted face, 'You've come this far... now all you need to do is-"

"Do you know any short cuts?" They asked, interrupting their own thoughts as they itched to attack the man, "I'm in quite a rush,"

The man didn't respond for a few seconds, and unknown to the hungry vampire beside him, his LED was flickering to orange as he searched for the quickest routes. Also, unknown to the vampire, the android was fully aware of their species; a quick body and face scan provided the information for the android rather quickly, yet he wasn't concerned. Not like he could truly die anyway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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