4. Toadette's Rescue Mission

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It's was a normal day In Toadtown, the Toadtown citizens were doing their normal daily routines, Meanwhile at Toadette's House, Toadette was getting rid of Lots of supplies because her house was starting to become a mess.

Toadette had hundreds and hundreds of boxes around her house, (exaggerating).

Also Toadette was putting stuff she didn't want in the boxes till she received a call from Toad.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, do you know where my photo album is? i have been looking for it everywhere..." Toad said.

Toadette was putting stuff in boxes as quickly as she could while listening to Toad's weird story of how he lost the photo album.A few minutes later Toadette sighed and notice Toad's photo album was in one of the boxes, she walked up to it and grabbed it.

"Hey Toad i found it at my place, i'll go take it to you and i could also use the trip to drop off some boxes to Toadwill (*cough* Goodwill).

"That's a great idea, also thanks for finding the album" Toad said.

"Yeah no need to thank me" Toadette said.

"Okay" and Toad hang up.

Toadette's eyes widened a little but then she just put her phone away and started to tape some boxes closed. Toadette then grabbed the box and gently put them in the back of her car, then she went to the driver's seat and started the car and headed to Toad's house. As She arrived she walked to his door with Toad's photo album in her hands and knocked 3 times.

Toad from the inside said.

"Who is it?"

"Its me Toad, Toadette!" Toadette said.

Toad then quickly opened the door and saw Toadette and his photo album.

"Oh thanks for bringing it" Toad said.

"Your welcome" Toadette said giving Toad his Album.

"So How many boxes do you have there?" Toad asked.

"Like 5 or 6 why?" Toadette asked.

"No reason, have the rest of a good day" Toad said.

"Thanks" Toadette said as she walked up to her car and Started driving to Toadwill.

As she arrived there was an area where the donating guys who waited for people and helped with the supplies. Toadette parked her car and then walked out and opened the back door.

"Hi Ma'am" An employee said.

"Hello can you help me bring this boxes out of the car?" Toadette asked.

"Sure" The employee said.

As The employee and Toadette stacked the boxes outside the car , Toadette without care she staked them and then she thanked the guy and got in her car and went home. As Toadette arrived home she decided to take a break and write a little bit on her diary. Toadette then notice her diary wasn't where she putted it.

She started searching for her diary everywhere, under the bed, the table, on the bathroom, outside, EVERYWHERE!. Till Toadette thought for a second and then noticed.


She quickly got in her car again and went back to Toadwill. As she arrived she hurried out and walked to the nearest employee.

"Hey have you seen my boxes i accidentally donated something" Toadette said.

"Ma'am your boxes must be in the warehouse of donations" the Man said.

"Okay thank you" Toadette said as she rushed into the Warehouse.

But as she arrived her eyes where disbelief of what they saw...The Warehouse had like a Million of Boxes!.

"Ahhhhhhhh I'll never find it" Toadette said.

She started looking through boxes, bags, suitcases and a bunch of more stuff.

After a few minutes of searching like crazy, she decided to ask more employees.

"Have you seen my boxes?!" Toadette said.

"They must be on The 2nd Warehouse" One of The Employees said.

"There is another Warehouse!" Toadette said surprised.

The employee nodded.

"Ugh" Toadette said as she rushed to the second warehouse and it was also full.

Toadette then once again she started opening boxes, bags and searched everywhere.

As She sat down to take a break her phone started to ring. Toadette pulls out her phone and saw it was Toad. Toadette Rolled her eyes and answered the call.

"Yeah?" Toadette said.

"Hey Where are you?" Toad asked.

"At Toadwill in a Warehouse searching for my diary that I accidentally donated" Toadette said.

Toad Laughed.

"What's so funny?" Toadette asked.

"Nothing it's just that I called you to tell you that you accidentally dropped off your diary at my house" Toad said.

Toadette was so tired of searching for the diary that didn't even had energy to be Mad.

She then sighed.

"I'll go pick it up" Toadette said.

"Okay" Toad said.

"Thank you" Toadette said as she hang up the phone.

She then rushed to her car and went to Toad's House. A few minutes passed And Toadette arrived to Toad's house. She knocked his door and he opened his door.

"Here you go" Toad said.

"Did you read it?" Toadette asked.

"No.." Toad said.

"Did you!" Toadette said.

"No I didn't" Toad said.

"Yeah you did" Toadette said.


A/N: Hello Guys It's A Me Nintendogirl2 and well I wrote this part for Toadtown Season 4. And I actually really enjoyed this series, they actually inspired me to write The Mini Adventures of Malory, So yeah Thanks to Mariofanandwriter, And See ya Next Time.


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