Everyone's a Hero in their own way

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Roman glared down at his paper as if it had personally offended him, and it kind of had. He tapped the back of his pencil on the paper repeatedly as he glossed over what he wrote. He frowned and his pencil froze before he sighed and his head fell forward onto his desk.

"These are all stupid." He groaned out. Picking up his head, he quickly thought through each option he wrote out. "Boquet of flowers, too extra, he'd hate it." He quickly scribbled that one out. "Poetry? Too cheesy, he'd hate that too." Scratch. "We already went out on an adventure through the city." Scratch. "Dinner and a movie, even he said it was cliche." Scratch scratch. "Why is this so hard?" He leaned back in his chair and dropped his pencil. "This usually is so easy for me. I've gotten plenty of dates, why is this so difficult? I'm a romantic guy, surely I can think of something..."

Roman covered his face with his hands and pushed them back through his hair. "My brain is too fried, I can't keep thinking of anything at this rate."

He sat there in silence for a while, rubbing his head and wishing the forming headache would go away before it even arrived. He heard a knock on his door and sat up before calling them in. "Roman, could you spare a moment of your time?"

"Sure, Logan. What can I help you with?" He slung an arm over his chair and turned towards the door, taking in Logan's form. He looked just as put together as he always did, but the look on his face showed he had been troubled by something. "Are you okay?"

"I have a problem that I just need some advice on." He adjusted his glasses and looked away. "What activities do you perform to increase your self-esteem?"

Roman watched him before getting up out of his chair and walking over. "Are you alright?"

"Indeed, but it seems I have a task that requires an abnormally high level of self-esteem to accomplish and am looking for advice."

Roman was only baffled by the statement. "What could you possibly be doing that you need an ego boost like that?"

"Well, after some research about my-"

Roman held up his hand and cut him off. He reached over and placed his hand on Logan's back, guiding him towards the chair he had just been occupying. After getting him to sit down, Roman sat on his bed. "Continue, but tell me what the problem you are having is so I can help."

"Well, a quick search shows that the best way to get over one's crush is to-"

"WOAH!" Roman shot up and crossed his arms. "You don't just get rid of a crush, Logan! Why would you even want to?"

"I already stated that Patton and I are not compatible. Was I not clear on that before?"

Roman simply started rubbing his head before turning towards his bedside table and looking for some aspirin. "So you googled how to get over a crush?" He grabbed two pills and reached for his water bottle. "That's your big plan?"

"The first few steps are simple enough. Admitting and accepting the feelings are there is step one. It took me a while but I went through it. Then I had to think of some negative things I do not enjoy about Patton, which was much more difficult. Most habits I've started to see as endearing, which apparently is a side effect of a crush."

"You're treating this as if you caught a cold!"

Logan looked confused at that statement. "Is there another way to treat it?"

"Love is not an illness, Logan."

"It is causing me harm and I wish to do away with it, what would you have me do?"

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