What Comes Next

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Roman helped Thomas sit on his couch, ignoring the protests the other was giving the entire time. Patton placed a mug on the coffee table in front of him and Thomas sighed, leaning back into his couch. "Guys, really, I'm fine."

"No complaining," Virgil called out from the other side of the sectional sofa in Thomas' apartment. He shifted comfortably under the blankets and turned his head that sat atop a pillow. "At least they're not acting like they are with me."

"You died!" Patton cried out. "Or at least, your heart stopped temporarily which means you sort of died! Shush and drink your cocoa!" He placed a second mug on the coffee table.

"I only died a little bit." He spoke with a smirk, turning and looking at the mug. "Thanks, Pat. I'll get up in a second."

"You feeling any better?" Patton kneeled down and placed a gentle hand on Virgil's forehead.

In response, Virgil shut his eyes and relaxed. "Everything hurts but I'm okay."

Logan walked into the room and sat down carefully by Virgil's feet. "We did have pain relievers at the apartment but until things get sorted, you'll have to make due."

"I got stuff from the pharmacy a few blocks over," Roman called out. "It's the best you're gonna get at this rate. Not until the insurance kicks in and we can afford to get some of our stuff back."

"In the meantime, thanks for helping us out, Thomas." Patton turned and smiled.

"Well, it's no problem really. I mean... you kind of knew where I lived and I didn't, so..." Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. "Patton, right?"

Patton perked up and turned to face Thomas completely. "Yes! What else?"

Thomas shut his eyes for a moment. "Uh... We met in a dog park?"

"We met in a grocery store and I chased after you to a dog park. Close enough!" Patton jumped up and ran over, wrapping Thomas in a hug. "I'm so glad you're starting to remember!"

"Well, it's not permanent of course." Logan removed his glasses and wiped them off. "Not that he knew at the time, and I tried my best to remedy it as quickly as I could." He replaced his glasses and smiled over at Thomas. "It's only a matter of time as things start coming back to you."

Roman patted him on the back. "Yes, I'm sure it will come back to you! You looked at your friend Joan for one moment and remembered them completely as if nothing happened! Also, you just screamed their name into the sky for a bit."

"Yeah, that's true," Thomas smirked at the thought. "They also yelled at you all for getting me into trouble in the first place."

"You're one of the family now, kiddo, we're all in this together!"

"No matter how much you try to escape." Virgil carefully sat himself up on the couch, swinging his legs off as he grimaced and brought himself upright.

They didn't hide their abilities from Thomas and surprisingly, it turned out better the second time. When Thomas had accidentally created a copy of himself, creating his version of 'Two', Patton was super excited. Despite the panicked cries and the short amount of time Two was out, Thomas took a moment and then yelled at Patton, telling him to remember what happened 'last time on the roof'. Patton was in shock and Thomas just elaborated, bits of memory coming back to him.

When Joan and Talyn had come to check on Thomas, they both walked in on him making things float around his living room, Logan re-teaching him simple things that he had picked up on rather quickly. Their first meeting with the others was more chaos since Thomas couldn't remember much, but now that he was almost back to his old self, they finally hounded the others about their powers and how they met Thomas.

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