Chapter 6

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"Get it Jotaro,"

"I knew they liked each other, she has the perfect attitude to deal with my grandson."

I hear whispers say as I slowly open my eyes and quickly shut them when the light shines in my eyes, I turn my head away and my face rubs against something I quickly sit up and remember where I am and that I fell asleep in Jotaro's lap. I turn my head and see Polenarff and Mr. Joestar snickering together, they quickly start bursting with laughter when they see my shocked face.

"Wake up love birds, a ship that will rescue us is almost here," Mr. Joestar teases, I glare at him and Polenarff while I wait for the boat to get here.

We are finally in Singapore and apparently Anne's father isn't here yet, so we all go to the hotel. Anne and I decide to share a room since we're both girls, I was about to take a shower when there's a knock at the door. I look through the peephole and see that it's Jotaro and Kakyoin. I open the door,

"Polenarff ran into an enemy stand, we are all meeting in the old man's room."

I turn towards Anne, "Hey, there are some things we need to take care of but I'll be back. Stay here and don't open the door for anyone."

Anne agrees and starts watching tv when we leave. When we get to Mr. Joestar's room everyone is there except for Polenarff, I wonder what's taking him so long, I hope he's ok. As we wait I find out about the enemy stand user, the way Avdol describes him makes him sound like a man that likes to get angry and use it on his targets. After waiting a while longer Polenarff bursts through the door bloody and panting. Mr. Joestar complains about him taking so long and Polenarff collapses on the floor.

"Someone get me a first aid kit," I order while inspecting Polenarff's wounds, he seems to have bled a lot but it doesn't look that bad. Avdol hands me the first aid kit and he helps me patch up Polenarff.

Once I finish dressing Polenarf's wounds I head back to my room. I fill the tub with water and soap and quickly wash my clothes, I wrap a towel around myself and lay my clothes out on the balcony furniture to dry, Anne is still preoccupied with cartoons so I decide to take a long shower while I wait for my clothes to dry. Once I finish I decide to blow dry my hair before grabbing my clothes, I wrap the towel around myself and head out into the room when I see Jotaro sitting on my bed watching cartoons with Anne. I gasp and they both turn to me in surprise, I hold the towel around me tighter but it only seems to make my cleavage more obvious.

"J-Jotaro..." I stutter trying to keep calm but it's hard to do when my towel isn't big enough to prevent my big ass from playing peek a boo. Jotaro slowly gets up and goes out to the balcony to grab my clothes, he comes back and looks at me with a lustful smile,

"You might need these," he says slyly and then walks past me to put them in the bathroom for me. I look back at Anne and see she's back to being distracted by cartoons, Jotaro comes up behind me and grabs my upper arm, I feel him lean to my ear "Nice ass." I feel a shiver go down my spine and I squeeze my thighs tightly together as I feel a deep hunger grow. "Get dressed," he says as he walks past me and goes back to watching cartoons with Anne.

When I'm fully dressed I come out of the bathroom and find Kakyoin in our room watching cartoons as well. I turn off the tv and they all look at me,

"So what's going on, is our room the party room now?" I ask jokingly,

"Kakyoin and I thought we could take you both out for ice cream while we wait for Polenarf to get back from the station."

I laugh when Anne cheers and we all put on our shoes and head out the door.

As we walk down by the ocean Anne spots a vendor and runs over and is offered coconut juice, Kakyoin pays for us and as soon as he pays a guy comes up and snatches the wallet out of Kakyoin's hand. Kakyoin then attacks the robber and does the back breaker, "Kakyoin, what the hell, that's enough!" I yell while Jotaro goes over and stops him. When Anne and I approach Kakyoin seems really odd and I don't believe a single excuse he gives for his behavior, Jotaro then announces that we will be heading to India by train tomorrow and walks off. "Come on Anne," I call and head over to Jotaro.

I wait till we are far enough away, "something doesn't feel right Jotaro, I think he might be possessed or something," I say quietly, Anne comes running and grabs onto Jotaro's arm.

"Is everything ok?" Jotaro asks,

"Yeah, everything's fine," Anne stutters getting closer to Jotaro. I look back and see a darkness go over Kakyoin's face, I see him look at me and I slowly turn my head around.

As Jotaro, Anne, and I eat ice cream while enjoying view Kakyoin comes up and asks for Jotaro's cherry and then plays with the cherry with his tongue. I turn away in disgust

"Didn't you learn not to play with your food," I mutter.

I look back over and see Kakyoin pick up Jotaro and throw him over the railing,

"Jojo!" Anne and I yell while grabbing his arms, we help Jotaro back over and Kakyoin laughs saying he was just having fun.

"Is this just having fun," I yell at him, I get out my whip and I'm about to choke him with it when Jotaro catches it and gets in front of me. Jotaro then punches Kakyoin into a car and half of Kakyoin's face comes off! I get in front of Anne to protect her as Jotaro jumps into the car with the imposter. I run to the railing and see their car gliding away I turn back and see Anne on a payphone, she tries to explain what's going on to Mr. Joestar but she's having a hard time. I pet her hair and she hands me the phone,

"It's Ava, an enemy stand disguised himself as Kakyoin and Jotaro is fighting him now. They are currently fighting in an air trolly but I have a feeling it won't last long. I'm going to take Anne back to the hotel, you guys start looking for Jotaro." I hang up the phone and see Anne looking toward the trolly in concern, "Come on, it's not safe here. Jotaro will be fine." I turn her around and start walking away when I hear a shattering of glass, I cover Anne with my body and keep her from looking and I look back to see Jotaro pulling himself onto a platform. "He's ok, he's going to jump into another car but we need to get out of here, come on." I say soothingly before pulling her into a run.

I wait in our room with Anne, I have her shower and then we watch tv together while we wait for any news. I hear the phone ring and I calmly get up and walk over to the phone so that I don't worry Anne,


"Ava, it's Avdol. Jotaro has come back to our room and our Kakyoin was here at the hotel the whole time."

I sigh in relief, "thank goodness, is Jotaro ok?"

"A little banged up but he's fine. You and Anne come to our room and we'll all go to dinner together."

"Ok, we'll be right down." I hang up the phone and look down to see Anne next to me, "Don't worry, your main squeeze is fine. Get your shoes we're meeting everyone at Mr. Joestar and Avdol's room to go to dinner." Anne blushes and hurries to get her shoes on and we head down to meet everyone. 

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