Chapter 19

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Polenarff pulls up in front of a hospital in the next town and hurriedly helps Avdol get out of the buggy while Joseph grabs Kakyoin. Jotaro reaches over and gingerly picks me up and carries my out of the buggy,
«Thank you, » I grin sweetly but Jotaro just responds with a grunt. I stare up into his face and notice his mouth is pulled into a worried grimace before going back to his normal expression.
    Jotaro carries me through the doors of the hospital and a nurse blushes and stares frozen in place at Jojo.
« Hey, my girlfriend is injured. She might need stitches, » Jotaro calls loudly. The nurse quickly shakes her head and takes a look at me and her eyes finally fall on the bloody bandage tied around my leg.
« Oh dear, » the nurse gasps and quickly sends for another nurse to grab me a wheelchair.
Jotaro gently sits me in the wheelchair and I smile up at him,
«I'll be fine, but my pants are done for. Could you go into town and buy me some pants?»
« I don't know how to shop for women's clothes, »
«I'm a size 25.5 in pants, if you go in a store just ask for someone to help you find a pair of pants in my size. I'm sure Polenarff can help you too, I've seen him ogle at fashion magazines,» I say while digging my wallet out of my holster. I take out some money and hold it out to Jotaro but he just waves his hand and tugs at the brim of his hat.
«Good grief, I got it, » he mutters before kissing my cheek, «Polenarff, Old Man, let's go find Ava some pants. »
Polenarff looks over at me excitedly and exclaims, «Don't worry Ava, I will find you the hottest pants. »
I smile nervously and call to the men, «Please make sure it's practical! »
    Luckily the cut was starting to close up on its own so I only needed a few stitches. A nurse lends me a pair of loose sweatpants and leads me to Kakyoin's room so that I can sit with him while I wait for the others to get back. When I enter Avdol is already sitting in a chair chatting calmly with Kakyoin, I walk over to the bed and gently grab Kakyoin's hand and give it a squeeze,
« Hey Nono, » I say cheerfully using the nickname I gave him.
« Nono? » Avdol questions,
« It's a nickname Ava gave me, one that I didn't approve of, » Kakyoin responds slowly as he turns his head in the direction of Avdol's voice.
I roll my eyes and smile as I sit on the edge of his bed and look Kakyoin over, he has bandages wrapped around his head to cover his eyes but other than that he looks okay. Kakyoin turns in my direction and he gives me a warm smile,
«How many stitches did you need, Ava? »
« Only a few, my cut was starting to close up when the doctor looked at it. How are you feeling? »
«Alright for the most part, the doctor thinks I should heal fine. »
I smile and give Kakyoin's hand another squeeze, «Good, I'm so happy you'll be okay, » I then look over at Avdol, « How about you Avdol, are you doing okay? »
«Yes, I've already been released, » he smiles warmly.
I sigh and look out the window, « I sent the three of them to buy me a new pair of pants, I hope they don't buy me something rediculus. »
Kakyoin and Avdol burst into laughter, «Oh Ava, » Kakyoin sputters through chuckles,
«I'm doomed, aren't I? »
«Absolutely, » Avdol responds while shaking his head.
I sigh and kick off my boots, «Well, I'm tired I'm going to take a nap, » I mutter making my way to an empty chair.
«Ava, this bed is big enough for two you can sleep here. »
« I don't know, I don't think Jotaro would like me sleeping in the same bed as you. »
«I'm just going to sit here and listen to the radio with Avdol, I'm sure if I'm sitting up it'll be fine. »
I sigh, the bed would be more comfortable than the chair and I know Kakyoin would never try anything. «Okay, thank you Nono. »
I hear Kakyoin growl at hearing the nickname as I get comfomfortable, but he doesn't say anything, he just clumsily pats me head and the sound of a radio show plays quietly in the back ground.

    I slowly open my eyes when I feel someone gently tug on my hair, I look up and see Jotaro scowling down at me.
« You're back, did the shopping go okay? »
« Yes, how was your nap, »
« Good, » I giggle as I watch Jotaro's face turn in jealousy. «I only agreed to sleep here because Kakyoin said that he would be sitting the entire time, » Jotaro still looks jealous so I give him a slow kiss, «You know I see Kakyoin like a brother right? I would've much rather napped with you. »
«Gee Ava, thanks, » Kakyoin mutters sarcastically, I lean back and playfully tousle his hair,
«Someone needs a nap. »
I quickly swing my feet to the floor and Jotaro hands me a bag, «Here's your pants. »
I smile and quickly stand, «Thank you, I'll go change and be right back. »
I quickly give Jotaro a kiss on the cheek and make my way to the bathroom to change.
    Once I lock the door I set the bag down and pull out a pair of black pants, I look at the label in the waist and see that it's my size. So far it appears that the men did a good job, I turn the pants over in my hands and my eyes bulge when I see black string laced like a corset up the sides of the legs.
« What the hell is this! » I whisper harshly as I take the jeans and study them closely.
I told them practical, what the hell were they thinking I'll look like a tramp in these! I quickly consider wearing the sweatpants that the nurse lent me but they're too big and will fall off if I'm not adjusting them every five minutes. I click my tongue in annoyance and pull on the black jeans, at least they fit.
    When I step out of the bathroom everyone turns to look at me and Joseph and Avdol burst into a fit of laughter.
«Who the hell picked these pants out? » I ask angrily,
«Polenarff did, » Jotaro replies while pointing at a blushing Polenarff who is admiring me like I'm a work of art.
«Ava, you look magnificent in those pants. I knew you could pull them off! » I cries happily while wiping away a small tear.
« Polenarff, I look like a tramp. And I told you to get something practical, » I exclaim, but Polenarff just waves off my words and starts describing to Kakyoin the pants I'm wearing until Kakyoin begins laughing as well.
I sigh and bring my palm to my forehead, even though this is certainly not the fashion choice I would have made it is certainly not the worst and they aren't uncomfortable either so they did well for the most part.
« Thank you for shopping for me, » I finally mutter and shake my head and laugh at myself. I look up as Jotaro wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to his side,
«Even if you don't like them, you still look really sexy in them, » he whispers in my ear.
I blush at the compliment and lean my head against his chest.

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