Chapter 20

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The next day we get off the ship going up the Nile to wait for the next ship to take us to Cairo. As we make our way through the crowded streets Jotaro holds my hand and keeps me close to his side, even though he always looks so stoic and emotionless he always finds a way to show me affection in public. I admire the brightly colored store fronts and the way the sunlight glistens on the water as we make our way through the crowds when I notice a small cafe that looks like a good place to grab some food before we head back towards the harbor.

«Joseph, that cafe over there looks good. »

«Hmm, sounds good to me. Let's go eat, » Joseph calls looking back towards us. He suddenly scowls and I look behind us to see Polenarff and Iggy are missing.

«Did anyone see where Polenarff and Iggy went? »

« No, » Jotaro responds boredly.

I sigh, we better look for them now or else we'll miss our boat. I scan the surrounding area for any sign of which direction Polenarff and Iggy may have gone.

«Maybe they're waiting for us at the harbor, that would be a good place to start, » I suggest.

Joseph and Avdol nod and we make our way back to harbor, I scan the crowd with everyone else and there is still no sign of the two.

« They don't appear to be here, » Joseph grumbles. I rest my chin in my hand as I think when I suddenly get an idea,

« I got an idea, Avdol pass me a piece of coffee gum. »

«I see, here! »

I unwrap the stick and hold it up as I call, « Iggy! Look what I got! »

My ears perk up when I hear the sound of pattering paws against the pavement and frantic panting. I turn in the direction of the sounds just in time to see Iggy leap and snatch the stick of gum out of my hand. I kneel down and smile at Iggy loudly chewing on the gum,

« Iggy, if you stay with us I'll give you another piece of gum. Deal? »

I watch as the gears turn inside the small dog's head and smile when he gives a small nod.

« Well we found Iggy, but we still haven't found Polenarff, » Avdol sighs.

But before anyone can respond we hear screams coming from a tourist sight in the distance.

« I think we found him, » I sigh.

Everyone nods and we slowly make our way over to the direction of the screams.

When we arrive at the historic ruins we see Polenarff kneeling on the ground in front of a sword with a young man laying in a pool of blood nearby.

« What happened here? » I ask.

« It was an enemy stand, but I took care of it, » Polenarff informs.

« Hmm, we're now in enemy territory. From now on no one travels alone, » Joseph orders.

We all nod in aggreance and start making our way back towards the harbor in hopes that we don't miss our boat. Something suddenly feels off and I turn back to see Polenarff lagging behind us while staring at the sword.

« Polenarff, come on or we'll miss our boat, » Joseph calls.

Polenarff suddenly looks up and it seems like he was almost in a daze, I can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right but for now there isn't time to worry about it or investigate it.

We hurriedly run to the dock just in time to see our boat has already left the port.

« Shit, we missed it, » Joseph exclaims, « Well, can't do anything about it now. Let's find out when the next ship is leaving and go from there. »

We follow Joseph to the ticket booth and discover that the next direct boat to Cairo won't be here until the day after tomorrow so we tiredly make our way to a small hotel to stay for the next two nights. After checking in Jotaro and I make our way to our room and I lay back on the bed. I close my eyes and think back on the events of today, I can't shake off the feeling that there's an enemy stand closer to us than we realize.

I feel the mattress shift and I open my eyes to see Jotaro above me with a seductive smile playing on his lips. I smile tiredly at him and he leans down and kisses me softly. Jotaro suddenly pulls away and his brows scrunch together,

« Are you okay? »

I sigh, « I'm fine, I just can't shake the feeling that the enemy is closer than we think. »

« Of course he is, we're in Egypt. »

« No, I don't mean Dio. I mean another enemy stand, I know Polenarff said he took care of it but I still feel like it wasn't really taken care of. I feel like the enemy was only subdued. »

Jotaro sighs and kisses me again, « I think you're paranoid. »

« I'm not paranoid, I don't know how but I have a theory that the sword is somehow a stand user."

Jotaro looks at me like I'm an idiot and stand, he grabs my hands and pulls me off the bed.

« Let's go eat, you need food. »

« But.. »

« Just the two of us. And when we get back, I'm going to help you relax, » Jotaro murmurs against my lips as he kisses me slowly and grips my hips.

I blush when Jotaro pulls away and gives me a devilish grin, I run my eyes over his body and bite my lip.

« Could I possibly get that relaxation first? »

Jotaro's eyes grow hungry as he strides over to me, he quickly cups my face in his hands and slams his lips into mine as he pushes me back towards the bed. We fall back and frantically grab at each other's clothes, throwing them across the room.

« I love you, » I whisper as his lips travel down my neck,

« I love you, » he whispers against my skin.

I gasp when I feel Jotaro slide his erect excitement inside me and quickly buck his hips into mine. A light moan escapes my lips as I rock my hips to match his rhythm and feel my walls tightly clench around him. Low grunts rumble in Jotaro's throat as he thrusts himself harder inside of me as our lips meet and our tongues get tangled in each other. Our mouths break apart to gasp for air, Jotaro, again, picks up the pace and I drag my nails across his back in response as loud moans begin to tumble uncontrollably from my lips. Jotaro just seems to go faster and faster and our bodies mix in each other's sweat, I dig my nails into Jotaro's back as my brown eyes my Jotaro's and I whimper,

« I'm close. »

My confession elicits a moan from Jotaro and that pushes me past my tipping point and I loudly moan Jotaro's name in ecstasy thus sending him into an orgasm.

Jotaro finally collapses on top of me and lightly kisses my jaw as we slowly start to catch our breath. I smile down to Jotaro as he stares lazily up at me with a crooked smile, I twist my fingers in his wavy hair and kiss his forehead.

« Relaxed? »

« Very. »

Jotaro slowly lifts himself off me and offers his hand to help me stand,

« Let's shower, and then we'll go out for dinner. »

I smile and grab his hand and let him lead me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. 

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