Chapter 10

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I wake up to strands of early sunlight peeking through small holes in the curtains, I look over at the nightstand and see that it's 5 AM, we won't be leaving till 6 AM to catch our bus. I look back over at Jotaro and still see that he's asleep, he looks so peaceful sleeping, as I gaze at him I get an idea. I carefully crawl in between Jotaro's legs under the blanket, he has to wake up soon anyway so why not wake him up in a more stimulating way. I start with kissing his neck and trailing my way down until I wrap my lips around his large manhood. Jotaro wakes up and throws the blanket off of me, I look up and see him staring down at me with a lust filled grin. I slowly bob my head up and down and Jotaro lays his head back in pleasure, I quickly speed up occasionally going deeper. Jotaro lets out a moan and knots his fingers in my hair, as I continue to suck hard and fast, he grips my hair tighter and his breath hitches as warm liquid fills my mouth. When Jotaro finishes he flips me on my back and looms over me, "How are you good at that?" he asks coyly, I smile up at him,

"You're not the only one who learns quickly." Jotaro smiles at my explanation and kisses me gently traveling from my lips, down my neck. I moan as Jotaro travels lower down my body, he's just a breath away from my center when our hotel door flies open. I quickly grab the sheet to pull it over my breasts, Polenarff storms in,

"Are you two awake yet..." Polenarff pauses in surprise when he sees Jotaro and I obviously trying to cover ourselves with the bed sheet.

"Polenarff!" Jotaro yells in annoyance, I grab a pillow and throw it at Polenarff,

"Don't just stand there asshole, get out!" I yell, Polenarff gives an evil smirk and puts up his hands as he leaves saying,

"We leave in thirty minutes."

Jotaro and I meet everyone down in the lobby,

"What the hell took you two so long? You know you can sleep on the bus!" Mr. Joestar complains. Jotaro lowers the brim of his hat over his face and I let the hair of my ponytail fall forward. "Whatever, let's just get to the bus station," Mr. Joestar sighs. We all start walking towards the bus station when I hear Polenarff behind us making bed creaking noises, he then comes up and wraps his arm around my shoulders,

"So Ava, did you have a pleasurable night?" Polenarff teases, "Did you go straight to sleep or did you do anything stimulating before bed?"

I dig the heel of my boot into Polenarff's foot and he lets go with a yelp, everyone turns to look at Polenarf grabbing his foot,

"Are you ok, Polenarf?" Kakyoin asks,

"Don't worry, he just stubbed his toe," I say calmly while continuing towards the bus station.

Jotaro places a hand on my waist and whispers, "what happened to using the whip?"

"Digging my heel into his foot was a lot funnier," I whisper back. Jotaro lets out a snicker and looks back at Polenarf with a mocking smile. When we get to the station the young woman that Polenarf was hitting on earlier was waiting at the station, we watch as Polenarf quickly saunters off to flirt with the woman again.

When we get to the next city I notice Mr. Joestar's arm has a swollen mark,

"Are you ok Mr. Joestar, you're mark looks swollen," I say, grabbing his arm to take a closer look, Mr. Joestar pulls his arm away from my grasp,

"I think it's infected, I'm going to head to the clinic," he responds before he walks off and lets the rest of us head towards the hotel. Polenarf then splits off to continue wooing the woman so Kakyoin, Jotaro, and I are left to entertain ourselves. When we get to the hotel I notice there are a lot of vendors surrounding it,

"How about we check out the vendors around here while we wait for Polenarff and Mr. Joestar," I suggest,

"Why not," Kakyoin shrugs. We walk away looking at all the different vendors, Kakyoin comes up to me as I admire some jewelry,

"So you and Jotaro, huh?" I don't make eye contact and continue to stare at the jewelry, "Polenarff told me," Kakyoin blushes.

"Polenarff told you what?" Jotaro asks with a deadly glare, Kakyoin blushes deeper,

"Kakyoin was just telling me that Polenarff has a loose lip," I answer with an exasperated sigh. Jotaro grabs Kakyoin by his shirt, "Who else has he told, have you said anything?"

Kakyoin puts up his hands and grins confidently, "Only me, I just wanted to find out if it was true so that I could tell you both congrats on getting together."

Jotaro glares at Kakyoin before finally letting him go and lowering his hat, "Fine, it's true." Kakyoin smiles before Jotaro shoves a finger in his face, "but if you tell anyone about what Polenarff saw this morning, I will punch both of you."

Kakyoin makes a motion like locking his lips and then turns back to the jewelry display.

"So Ava, anything here peek your interest?"

I nod, "Yeah that gold bracelet is really pretty pretty,"

"You should get it," Kakyoin encourages.

"Mm, I should save my money, but it is beautiful," I say simply and then walking away to look at the other vendors.

We all gather outside of the city by a jeep, looks like Mr. Joestar got himself in trouble so we need to drive through the night to cross the Indian, Pakistan border. Before we head out Jotaro wraps his arm around my waist. He holds out a black square box, I look up at him curiously and take the box out of his hand and open the lid. I look in the box and see the bracelet that I looked at earlier. I look up at Jotaro in surprise,

"J-Jotaro, you shouldn't have," I exclaim taking the piece of jewelry out of the box, Jotaro places it on my left wrist,

"I want you to have it, it's a promise to you that we will both make it through this trip alive." I look between Jotaro and the bracelet, I know that Jotaro is serious and he's the kind of man that keeps his promises. I grab Jotaro's jacket and pull him towards me and kiss him deeply. When our kiss breaks I smile up at him,

"And that's my promise to you," I say sweetly. Jotaro smiles and leans down to kiss me when we hear Polenarff exclaim,

"Do you have two have to rub it in!" I giggle and walk over to Polenarff,

"Consider us even for this morning," I tell him before fishing the car key out of his hair and handing it to him. 

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