Chapter 15

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I slowly start to wake up when I feel something press against my neck, I open my eyes and find Jotaro lazily kissing my neck. I run my fingers through his tangled waves and sigh happily,

"Good morning," I whisper. Jotaro grins up to me and pulls me in for a lingering kiss,


"What time is it,"


Breakfast is in a half an hour but I don't want to get up, it feels so good to lay naked in bed with Jotaro,

"Do we have to get up," I pout. Jotaro gives me a devilish grin before bringing his lips to my neck,

"What would you rather do instead," he mutters against my neck. A small moan escapes my throat as I tilt my head back,

"Stay in bed with you, like this," I whisper. Jotaro hums to himself and slowly travels down my neck, I can feel him smirk against my skin as he causes more soft moans to tumble from my lips.

"Like this," he whispers as his kisses continue lower and lower.

"Mhmm," I moan weakly as I feel a hunger grow at the bottom on my stomach. I tangle my fingers in Jotaro's hair and gasp when Jotaro kisses my inner thighs, suddenly there's a banging on our door and Jotaro looks towards it and scowls.

"Hey lovebirds, are you two awake yet?" we hear Joseph yell behind the door.

"We're up," I groan.

"Well hurry up and get ready, you two don't have time for hanky panky this morning,"

"Shut up, Old Man!" Jotaro grumbles throwing the covers off of us. We hear Joseph cackle down the hall as he walks away from our door, Jotaro gets up from the bed and starts to pull on his clothes. I just continue to sit in the bed as I admire his body, gosh he is so sexy it's incredible. Jotaro turns to me after he tugs on his tank top and raises an eyebrow, I blush and bite my lip when he looks at me. Jotaro saunters over to me and leans his hands on the mattress,

"Shouldn't you be getting dressed,"

"Sorry, I was just admiring the view," I tease. Jotaro smirks at me and gives me a quick kiss,

"Get dressed. We'll pick up where we left off later," he whispers huskily. I flash him a seductive smile and get out of bed and start getting dressed. I look over when I start brushing my hair and notice Jotaro watching me out of the corners of his eyes and I can tell that it's taking all of his control to not take my clothes back off.

As we stand at the airfield waiting for our plane to be ready an Islamic woman carrying a baby in a basket follows a pilot that approaches us. I look towards the baby and see a grimace on his face as beads of sweat roll down his forehead, he's sick and the pilot tells us that he has to use the plane to take the baby to a doctor. After much back and forth we agree to take the baby with us, I sit with the basket that the baby is laying in on my lap and keep it steady as we take off. Polenarff yawns and informs us that he will take a nap, Kakyoin slowly drifts off after Polenarff and I decide I might as well take a nap too.

I look around and find myself in a ferris wheel carriage overlooking a brightly colored amusement park. I realize that I'm not alone and that Kakyoin and Polenarff are here as well,

"I've had this dream before," Kakyoin stutters nervously,

"Wait, does this mean that we are sharing the same dream?" I ask skeptically,

"I think so, that dog there, died in my dream earlier." I look over to where Kakyoin is pointing to and I see a bloody dog corpse laying on the bench. Polenarff throws himself on the bench by the dog and sighs,

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