Vanished Memories

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Luna squealed and ran into her mother's embrace. Megami ran her finger's through her daughter's hair. After a few moments they let go. Megami looked at the new members and chuckled. "Breaking family traditions, eh? The one thing Hansamu wouldn't agree with. Tsuyio was always all for it though, she believed what we had shouldn't be secret." I forced a smile, but she could see right through it. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you found that to be a touchy subject." She apologized. "No, it's fine, I can't avoid talking about them for my entire life, can I?" She hugged me, which surprised me, someone spoke up just then, ruining the moment. "Who's Hansamu and Tsuyio?" Sakura questioned. I looked to her. "They're my parents," I responded simply. Naruto asked a question. "What happened to them?" I smiled sadly. "Out of everyone alive in our family, I was the only one living in this compound. Out of everyone living in the compound, I was the only one that made it out alive, Itachi Uchiha massacred us on the same night as his clan because he knew we had the power to take him out in an instant." A sudden silence fell over us. "Well, we have to meet our sensei, bye guys," I suddenly spoke up, effectively killing the silence. Me and my team left, by lion, caracal, and to Sophie's disappointment, by cheetah. We arrived at Training Ground Eleven to see our sensei wasn't there. He told us to be there by three, and it was just before. Sure enough, once our rides left, he arrived. "Kashikoi~Sensei," we welcomed, bowing. He smiled at us. "I'm sure you girls would be delighted to know that I enrolled you in the Chunin Exams." We all broke out into smiles. "As the test takes groups of three, I discussed with the Hokage, and one of you will go alone, you get to choose who." I looked to the others, Sophie definetly doesn't want to go alone, I don't think Ali is ready, so it's me or Luna. I think Luna would be better with them, she's a good leader. "I will, sensei." I spoke up. He nodded and gave us our enrollment papers. "Be at room 301 by tommorrow." We nodded. "Hai sensei." With that, he disappeared into thin air and we went to the compound smiling, we were going to the Chunin Exams!

I summoned all of the animals to stand below Pride Rock. "My animals, I know you wish to protect our home, but we will take away the guards at the door, and change it. We will have guards walking around the savannah, patrolling it. Visitors whom we do not trust will have to leave all weapons, there will be one guard always there for that. I will come around to your groups and tell you your role one by one, enjoy the day, or enjoy your sleep." The animals disbanded and I quickly entered my house, writing out plans. Just before sunset, I had everything planned and everyone accounted for, my brain felt dead. I quickly handed schedules out to each animal, and soon all I had to do was find a box to use as the weapons box, which was easier said then done, I didn't have that many empty boxes. Eventually, I found one big enough and empty enough, and carried it out to the guards. They thanked me, and exhausted, I went to sleep. I woke up to a rucus louder than my loudest alarm clock. I sighed, got ready for the day, and went to check it out. The guards were refusing to let my cousins enter. "Guys, they're family, they're allowed through. The guards profusely apologized, but I said it was fine, they didn't have to apologize. Anyway, Hana, we're ready to go to the Chunin Exams." I nodded, and we ran off to the building.

When we got there, there were two chunins yelling about how we weren't prepared to become chunins. I rolled my eyes and froze everyone except my cousins and walked past the guards, then unfroze everyone. "Do you think we're worthy to become chunins if we can get past you without even trying?" I questioned a shocked chunin, and calmly walked through the door. We went up the stairs and soon realized we were the first in here. We stood in a corner, talking. Other groups came trickling in and that entire time I had a nagging feeling in the back of my head and a pit in my stomach, like I knew something bad was coming but couldn't remember what. My cousins realized. "What's wrong Han?" Sophie asked, clearly worried. "I don't know, I feel like something bad's going to happen, but I can't remember what." Ali spoke up. "It must've been something you saw in your manga things right? Think, what happens during the Chunin Exams. Is it during one of the tests? Is it afterwards?" That's what got me. In the second test, Orochimaru gives Sasuke the curse mark, which leads him to betray Konoha and he tricks Sand and Sound to invade Konoha. "In the second test, Sasuke gets bit by Orochimaru and gets a curse mark, which leads hin to betray the leaf and Orochimaru tricks sand and sound into invading us during the third test. I must've forgotten because of the world switch. I have to tell the Hokage, but I can't do that now." Someone spoke up. "What's this about worlds? What do you have to tell the Hokage? What did you forget?" We turned to them and our eyes widened, it was the other rookies. "Family secret, Naruto can I talk to you?" I replied, and Naruto nodded. We walked away from everyone else. "You should probably know that me, Ali, Sophie and Luna didn't grow up in the Shinobi countries. We grew up in a different dimension, in this dimension, all of your lives are a story that we can read. I found out on accident that your world exists. I'm the only one who read your story, and I know what happens during the Chunin Exams, however most of the events I remember seem to be blurry, like this world's taking them away." He nodded, seeming sane, before he blew that by yelling at the top of his lungs. "WOAH HANA~CHAN! THAT'S SO COOL!!" I smiled sheepishly and whispered, "don't attract all the attention to us!" he apologized and I brushed it off. Soon a grey haired dude walked up to us and started talking about stuff I didn't listen to. Something in my mind told me to ignore him, that he isn't trustworthy, so I went with it. I tuned back in when I heard Sasuke's voice. "Gaara of the Desert, Rock Lee, Hana, and Luna." I looked at him questioningly, but he didn't notice or didn't care. 'You even know names, that takes the fun out of it," The grey haired man spoke. I heard a voice in the back of my mind. Kabuto. Great, now I have voices in my head. I saw him, Kabuto, with a snake man, he had black hair and white skin. I shivered at his appearance. Kabuto did something with his cards and started reading out Rock Lee's stats, then Gaara's, then mine. They seemed pretty shocked at mine, but it was nothing to be proud about, only a couple C-Ranked missions and quite a few D-Ranked along with highly skilled Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and okay Genjutsu. They then read Luna's which was largely the same. Soon, the proctor for this test, which turned out to be a written exam. We grabbed a number and sat down in that seat. I was next to Gaara and some random dude. The test began and I read through the questions and remembered what this test was about, cheating without being caught. Of course it is, why am I stuck with you? Well sucks to be with you too, voice. I'd already used my time freezing jutsu, so I can't use that. I suddenly remembered another jutsu I learnt. I performed the hand signs under the desk and hoped that the second test wasn't today, because I'd have barely enough chakra to stay awake. A light blue mist travelled under the desks and touched everyone, knocking them out, they all made a light thud as they hit their table. Next it made its way to the chunins, who looked confused. I pretended to be knocked out like everyone else, and waited to heard the loudest thud. Once it was heard, I knew the proctor, and only standing person, had hit the floor. I looked to Gaara's test and copied his answers. A bit grand if you ask me, you could've just swapped tests with someone. Who asked you? I woke everyone up, and looked around confused, copying the movements of everyone, I'm a great actor, and liar. I tried to provoke the voice in my head while I waited.

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