Day Two: Hana to the Rescue!

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I hunted in the morning, but regretted not hunting when I planned to. Hunting while hungry is not as successful as otherwise. While I was sitting and waiting for my chance to go in, I tried remembering what's meant to happen in the future but all I saw was a bird made of fire, and then wall of flames appeared and I was kicked out of my own mind. Shaking my head, I noticed the scene was starting. I held myself back as everything took place, I had to wait until the moment was right. I held back my anger as each punch was thrown,while I'll never admit it, I really like everyone here. You just admitted that to me. Well who can you tell? Kurama, Kurama can tell other Kurama, Shukaku, all tailed beasts and they can tell their jinchuuriki. Shoot. Just then, Sakura cut her hair. That was what I was waiting for, the last major thing, even if it doesn't seem like it, and the one thing I forced myself to remember by writing it down. Why didn't I do that with everything else? Oh well. I jumped down and slowed down everyone else to simulate super speed. I casually walked by and knocked out the enemies and returned time to normal. Everyone looked at me shocked as I picked at my nails. "What?" I questioned, and they deadpanned. "H-How.." Sakura started and I laughed. Lee looked at me with sparkling eyes and I gulped. "YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING ANGEL I HAVE EVER SEEN PLEASE DATE ME HANA~CHAN!" I chuckled nervously. "Sorry Lee, but I don't want to steal you from Sakura." Time seemed to freeze as Sakura gave me a death glare and Lee turned to her. "I KNEW YOU LOVED ME!" With that, he tackled Sakura to the ground and I burst out laughing. How can Lee still have this much energy after the jutsu he performed? It was then that Neji and Tenten came in. "HANA!" Tenten yelled, before running and hugging me. "Tenten.... Can't.......breathe." I managed to squeak out, and she pulled away, muttering apologies. I then hugged her. "IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU TENTEN!" We both laughed and started catching up. Sakura interrupted us. "You two know each other?" I nodded. "I trained with their team before I joined the academy, they know of my summons." She nodded and continued running away from Lee. "I'll get you some guards just in case others come while Naruto and Sasuke are recovering." She nodded and I called in two tigers. I told them their orders and they bowed down to me and accepted my job for them. I said my goodbyes and headed towards the tower, sneakily dropping an extra scroll I picked up from the team I defeated near them. Soon, I was at the tower and greeted by Team 8. "We were wondering when you'd get a scroll," Kiba commented and I laughed. "Oh I got a scroll in the first ten minutes of the test, I was just investigating something but all my work was for nothing so here I am now." They looked at me shocked and I shrugged it off, walking inside. I had a faint memory of what I needed to do although I don't know why. I waited in the tower and checked who was here. Very few were, surprisingly, I could actually name most of the members of the teams that were here. You can thank me for getting you here. When have you actually helped me Adara? To be fair, you deserved that. I squealed in happiness. Believe it or not, I liked this Kurama. Kurama! You're here, can I see you? I haven't tried that before. She chuckled. Yeah, I'll bring you to my corner, Adara wouldn't want you to see her. What do you know Kurama? Next thing I knew, I was face to face with an elegant fox with nine tails. "Woah you look so cool!" She smiled brightly. "Thank you Hana, everyone thinks of me and my brother as terrifying beasts, he loves it and I hate it. If only someone could teach him true values." I saw an image flash through my head and had the urge to say something to her. "Trust me, he'll learn." I felt so sure that he would, like I knew, but how would I? "You think so?" She asked hesitantly and I nodded confidently. "I know so." She smiled at me. "I like you." I smiled at her. "Same here." Then, unfortunately, I was forced to leave my mind because of an odd number of people surrounding me and looking concerned.

"Uh, everything okay?" I asked and they looked relieved. "She's back," Temari whispered. When you do that you freeze up, it's like you're frozen. Oh. "Why were you frozen before, did something happen?" I swear kid, if you tell anyone- "I was talking to Kurama," I simply responded. They looked confused. "Who's Kurama?" Kiba asked, and I swear he looked jealous. I smirked. "The nine tailed demon fox." Ouch, I hate that name, how about the nine tailed totally innocent fox who will do you no harm, although her brother might. I snickered, causing them to look shocked and concerned. "She says she hates that name." They looked even more confused. Adara sighed. I've never been so disappointed before. "Two things, Kurama's a girl? And who's her brother?" Kankuro inquired. "Kurama's brother is Kurama, the nine tailed demon fox who attacked Konoha, and yes, this Kurama is a gir-" Kiba interrupted me at the last minute. "YOU HAVE A NINE TAILED DEMON FOX SEALED INSIDE YOU?" Yowch, I thought we weren't using that name. I laughed. "No, I don't have any demon sealed inside me, Kurama just likes to visit me, I guess you could say we're friends." there was a pause, before everyone realized what I just said and their eyes widened, except for Gaara's. I rolled my eyes and walked away, leaving a group of confused genin behind.  

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