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---Y/N's POV---

"Help... help..."

I called for help. No one was answering me. I can't move nor speak. I can't even open my eyes.

My body was full of blood. My wedding gown was not white anymore. My hair was messed and my eyeliner and mascara had already been smudged. My body started to ache so bad.

Tears fell from my eyes as I felt the pain in my abdomen and thigh. It seems like I've run from South Korea to China, and it seems like a lot of street dogs have devoured my flesh. That's not the only reason, this day didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be and the pain that I've been feeling in my heart kills me faster than the physical pain.

I winced in pain as I tried to move away from the dead bodies around me.

I'm scared. I am really scared.

The gunshots that I'd been hearing a while ago stopped, but all that's left was the footsteps that's approaching me.

I tried to raise my hand for help but I can't.

Please help me... I'm begging you please.

"Call the Boss, she is here!"

When I tried to open my eyes, I saw a ray of light that entered in the room.

"The Boss is coming, move out of the way!"

"Make sure that no one is alive!"

I heard a sound of a pair of shoes coming to me.

I tried my very best to open my eyes. I put all my strength.

When I did, a man's face was infront of me. Concern and anger were in his eyes.

"Baby, you're now safe."

I felt a kiss on my forehead.

Then everything went black.

A/N Note:

This story is purely FICTIONAL. None of the characters in this story has a connection with real people, real places, real events and real data, and if ever, it is only a COINCIDENCE. Do not republish this story using a different name.


All rights reserved.

FATE SERIES BOOK 2: [BTS Jimin FF] The Boss' Queen (21+)Where stories live. Discover now