CHAPTER 19: It's a Yes

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—-Park Jimin's POV—-

I exhaled loudly as I stared at the ceiling. My mind was concentrated on what Y/N told us a while back. I stared at the wall clock and it read 3:31. Fuck. I could not fucking sleep.

I looked into my right side and saw Y/N peacefully sleeping. My heart was beating faster and faster every second that passed. I continued staring at her as I tried to memorize every detail of her - her not so thick and black eyebrows, her long eyelashes, her pointed nose, her chubby cheeks, and her glossy lips.

I could not believe that the woman I dreamt of is right here beside me and that after so many years of dreaming of her, I am finally able to make her mine.

I closed my eyes trying to reminisce the moment Y/N and I met years ago. The memory was not clear and that there were blurry moments but I could remember how sweet her smile was and that Jung Y/N was her name.


I shut my eyes open upon hearing Y/N mumbling my name. She might be dreaming.

"Don't leave..."

Her voice sounded as if she was being tortured. Tears began falling from her eyes.

"Y/N, wake up," I shook her a little but she won't wake up.

"Jimin... Hold me tight..."


I shook her a little violently as she shut her eyes open. She was panting and dried tears marked her cheeks. I wiped them off as I cupped her pale cheeks. Without hesitation, I pulled her into my embrace to make her feel that it was not real.

"Jimin... I-I thought you'd let me go..."

"Shh. That won't happen, okay?" I caressed her hair as she continued sobbing in my arms.

Minutes later, Y/N's sobs stopped and when I looked at her, she was already sleeping. I looked at the wall clock and it read 4:01.

Fuck! I could not really sleep.

FATE SERIES BOOK 2: [BTS Jimin FF] The Boss' Queen (21+)Where stories live. Discover now