CHAPTER 26: Two Years

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—-Jeon Jungkook's POV—-

"Good morning," I whispered at the figure beside me. I looked at her as her eyes fluttered.

"Jungkook..." she whined as I wrapped my arms around her tighter. "It's too early stop being so clingy."

"Where's my good morning kiss?" I asked as I hovered above her.

"YA!" she hit my chest which made me chuckle. "I still haven't even brushed my teeth."

"I don't care. I want my good morning kiss, right now!" I pouted which made her laugh.

She pecked my lips which send sparks throughout my body.

"Jeon Jungkook! Stop it already," she said as she yawned. "I'll sleep for a while."

I smiled at her before she fully closed her eyes. My phone vibrated. I looked at the caller ID then went outside the house.

"It's been two years. What's the matter?"

[Park Jimin is still searching for you and Y/N.]


[He sent eyes all over the world. It will not be impossible to hide you nor Y/N.]

"Aunt, calm down."

[How could I? Instead of bringing her down, Y/N's loss just made him go over the top of the 'Most Dangerous and Powerful Mafia Leader'.]


[Park Jungyuk! Why don't you even sound scared?]

I looked at Y/N through the window.

"As long as she's with me, there is nothing to worry about."

FATE SERIES BOOK 2: [BTS Jimin FF] The Boss' Queen (21+)Where stories live. Discover now