CHAPTER 31: Enemy To Ally

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---Park Jimin's POV---

Y/N was enjoying the chocolate fountain so much. I smiled as I stared at her. She changed into a white tulle dress with a purple and white flower crown on top of her head. 

"You good?" 

I looked at Jin hyung who was carrying a small box with a ribbon on top.

"Yeah. Kinda nervous," I chuckled.

"Why?" Jin hyung asked as he put his right hand in his pocket. "Afraid that a mafia group will destroy your wedding day?"

I nodded slowly with my eyes landing on Y/N again who was with Lisa, Jennie, and Rose on the sweet corner table.

"Yeah," I nodded again.

"Do not worry, Jimin. Nothing will happen," Jin hyung smiled at me. "I placed my gift for you and Y/N at home. I am going to give this to Y/N."

My eyes landed again on the box that was in his hand. I nodded and smiled at him.

I was about to walk towards the lavatory when I felt a hand on my arm.


I looked behind me and saw Lisa with a small smile on her face. I looked at her in confusion as to why she suddenly pulled me.

"May I speak with you, for a moment?" she asked.

I nodded at her and watched her drag me away from a lot of people. We arrived at the parking lot where only the lights outside the venue light the whole place up.

"What's the matter, Lisa?" 

Her sad eyes met mine, and just like earlier, I was still confused.

"J-Jimin, may I ask a big favor from you?" she asked.

"It depends, Lisa. It depends," I told her.

She grabbed my right hand and placed it in between hers, "Please promise me." A tear escaped her eye, "Please promise me not to kill Jungkook."

I looked at her, confusion still lurking in my brain. 

"I beg you, Jimin. I know you two are not on good terms. I know you hate him. I know that you won't hesitate to kill him. I know that, but please..." Lisa cried more. "Please do not kill him."

I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and patted her back.

FATE SERIES BOOK 2: [BTS Jimin FF] The Boss' Queen (21+)Where stories live. Discover now