CHAPTER 1: The Encounter

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--Y/N's POV--

I am walking down the streets, and it's already 12 midnight and I don't know exactly if it's safe for me to go this way, but I'm a hundred and one percent sure that I will get into our house faster in this way.

I just came from heavy work because our boss ordered me to spend extra hours since he will be giving me tomorrow an opportunity to work on one of his company's stockholders. My friends and I will be separated by our work but I guarantee that we will be still as close as how close we are now.

I am currently listening to 'Danger' of BTS through my headphones when I passed by a suspicious man who is sitting and looking down. Before I can get any farther, he grabs my hand and pins me to the wall. He is pointing a knife at my neck. He is wearing a mask, covering half of his face, so I couldn't clearly recognize him. I can only see a part of his nose and mouth. Fear rushes in my blood as he presses the knife on my neck. I can already feel the blood oozing down.

"P-please le-t m-me go..." I begged and closed my eyes.

I can feel the random guy's hand in my waist, gripping me so hard.

"W-what do... y-you want fr-om m-me?" I'm stuttering because of fear.

"You. Don't you worry, you'll be enjoying it," the guy said

"P-please n-no..." I pleaded as tears form in the corner of my eyes.

I can feel him grinding me a little.

Please, Lord, someone save me, please...

Tears fall from my eyes as I feel him grinding harder.

"You better let go of her, jerk, or else I'll rip your head off," a man suddenly speaks.

The man immediately releases me from my grip and I could feel my body falling because of weakness, but before I reach the floor, I feel a pair of arms catching me which makes me open my eyes.

The man who stopped me a while back tried to run has been shot. I look at the direction where the bullet came from and there is none at all. His body falls to the ground and without a blink of an eye, two men rush towards him and carry him.

"You are now safe."

FATE SERIES BOOK 2: [BTS Jimin FF] The Boss' Queen (21+)Where stories live. Discover now