Chapter 15: The Wedding

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Chapter 15: The Wedding


I'm pregnant.

It's so strange to think about it in the present tense.

It was even stranger when my body still hadn't gotten the memo. For the first week and a half I didn't feel any different. I still woke up every morning without feeling the crippling nausea that causes some women to spend their first few months hugging the toilet bowl.

I felt tired after coming home from work, but that's completely normal after spending all day in front of a classroom. I could still function though. We ate dinner, I didn't have any aversions or cravings or anything.

We didn't always stay home in the evenings either. Sam and I went out on a movie date on Thursday, Abby had her bachelorette party on Friday, and I spent the rest of the weekend with her and Nat, helping to tie up loose ends before the wedding next Saturday. Maybe it was just because I was so caught up in everything, but I never even felt the urge to suddenly take a nap.

For all intents and purposes, it was life as usual in the Willems household.

But then things did start to happen, and it started happening very quickly.

I was a fool for looking forward to the pregnancy symptoms. They hit me without any warning the second week after our beta test.

I've had two appointments with the fertility doctor at this point and so far everything checks out. My numbers are great and next time we're going to get to find out for sure how many embryos took. All of our joking aside, I think it's just going to be one baby. Dr. Cho said my levels have been rising consistently for a singleton pregnancy, but he also said we can't rule anything out just yet. Sam is being a goof and claims we're having quadruplets. I hate myself for even suggesting that to him as a possibility.

We'll find out soon enough, but until then, let me talk about my symptoms.

It's like there's a switch in my uterus and the baby decided I've had it too easy and it's now time to flip it on.

I wake up on Friday morning, the day before my sister's wedding, and my stomach is an absolute mess. The idea of breakfast makes it even worse, but I try to eat some fruits anyway. I go to work feeling so incredibly crappy, and about halfway through the day Sam gets a text from me, describing in detail the way his wife, the mother of his unborn child, just threw up all over the staff bathroom.

I have half a mind to send him a picture too, because he should be suffering along with me, but I decide to be nice.

At least I feel a lot better once I've thrown up and can go on with the rest of the day.

When I get home that evening it's to an empty apartment. Sam isn't here yet, but I wasn't expecting him to be. He's working late, an emergency surgery, which means I'll be alone for dinner. I don't know if I've got the stomach to eat anything. I probably do, I haven't been feeling too bad, but I don't know if I want to risk it.

I sigh and slump down on the couch, disturbing my cat's cozy slumber. I take him in my arms and bury my face in his fluffy orange fur.

"Hi little fluffers, did you miss me?" I grin and press kisses to his nose and the top of his head. He struggles to be free, but I don't allow him. If I'm going to be miserable, he will be too.

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