Chapter 10: Test Results

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Chapter 10: Test Results


Natalie's boyfriend Caleb is the one that inspired me to start writing a blog. It's been keeping me busy all week while I've been alone at home.

We were talking about his work as a blogger and his presence on social media at my parents' during the Fourth of July barbecue and it got me thinking, that'd be a good way to keep track of our life while we're doing this whole IVF thing. Besides, I'm already writing everything down in a journal every chance I get, or making dumb home videos that Sam hates.

Maybe other people on the internet might like to read about our story too.

It's Wednesday now and tomorrow it'll be two weeks since the embryo transfer. I'm driving home with groceries in the backseat. In one of the smaller bags there are four pregnancy tests, which is what I'm probably most excited about. I'm going to wait for Sam to get home before I take a couple though because I know he'll want to be there when I read the results.

Hopefully he doesn't have to stay at work late.

Do I feel pregnant? To be honest, I don't think I've been feeling very different. I haven't been experiencing any obvious morning sickness, but I have been feeling butterflies in my stomach that could very well only be nerves. I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's getting a lot more difficult with every passing day.

Our next fertility appointment on Monday will tell us for sure, but if we can have a hint beforehand it'll be such a relief.

The moment I get home I turn on all of the fans and the air conditioning unit wedged into our living room window. It's been so hot all throughout July so far and I cannot deal. After putting all of the groceries away I text Sam and begin on dinner, something fairly easy so that I don't have to melt when I turn the oven on. So on the menu tonight we have clubhouse sandwiches and a mixed greens salad, that way I can use up the cucumber in the fridge that's gonna go bad soon.

It's almost six when Sam walks through the door. He looks tired, but he's still grinning.

"I got something for you," he says.

He wraps one arm around me and kisses me.

"What is it?" I ask.

He's got a small white plastic bag that he hands to me. I open it greedily and immediately begin to giggle. It's a pregnancy test, the same brand I bought just an hour ago.

I'm actually full on laughing now, and now that I've started it's impossible for me to stop. Sam's watching me like I've completely lost my marbles.

"I have something for you too," I tell him playfully once I've more or less contained myself. I make a show of grabbing the bag from the counter before handing it to him. He's a little more careful than I was when he opens the bag and reaches inside.

Now he's the one that begins to laugh.

"At least we'll have extra if we need 'em," he says.

I'm still smiling as I turn back to the salad I've been mixing together. I don't know how I've managed to get dinner down. Now that Sam's here my hands won't stop shaking.

"Do you wanna eat first, dinner's ready–" I begin, but I hardly have time to finish my sentence, Sam is already ripping the first box open.

"Go, right now. You're taking a couple right now," he replies enthusiastically, wagging the first plastic stick at me. I take it with unsteady hands and take a deep breath. He grabs another box from the counter and leads me down the hall. When we reach the bathroom door however, I turn around and stare up at him with an amused smile on my face.

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