At Blackgate Prison, a male doctor with eyeglasses and a briefcase is seen walking to the front,
Advisor: Dr. Crane, thanks for coming.
Crane: Not at all. He cut his wrists?
Advisor: Probably looking for the insanity plea. But if anything should happen...
Crane: Of course, better safe than sorry.
Crane enters Falcone's cell.
Falcone: Yeah, Dr. Crane, I can't take it anymore. It's all too much. The walls are closing in. Blah, blah, blah. A couple of days of this food, it'll be true.
Crane locks the door and sits in front of Falcone.
Crane: What do you want?
Falcone: I wanna you're gonna convince me to keep my mouth shut.
Crane: About what? You don't know anything.
Falcone: I know you don't want the cops to take a closer look at the drugs they seized. And I know about your experiments with the inmates of your nut house. See, I don't go into business with a guy without finding out his dirty secrets. *chuckles* And those goons you used. I own the muscle in this town. Now, I've been bringing your stuff in for whatever he's planning, it's big, and I want in.
Crane: Well, I already know what he'll say. That we should kill you.
Crane: *chuckles* Even he can't get me in here. Not in my town.
Crane sighs and takes off his glasses.
Crane: Would you like to see my mask? I use it in my experiments.
Crane opens his briefcase to reveal and sag bag with a face.
Crane: Now, I not be scary to a guy like you. But these crazies, they can't stand it.
Crane puts on his mask.
Falcone: So when did the nut take over the nut house?
Crane sprays a gas to Falcone and he starts panicking.
Scarecrow: They scream and they cry...
Falcone screams as he saw Scarecrow.
Scarecrow: Much as you're doing now.
Falcone still screams from insanity.
(Scene Change)
Crane comes out of the cell and speaks to the Advisor.
Crane: Well, he's not faking. Not that one. I'll talk to the judge and see if I can get him moved... to the secure wing at my medical facility. I can't treat him here.
Crane then leaves. As he goes outside, he turns on his earpiece.
Crane: Falcone is out of the picture.
Ra's Al Ghul: Good. It's now for the second phase to commence.
(Scene Change)
At the city of Vale with the sound of thunder overtaking the sky, Batman is seen overlooking the streets. But he spots a familiar face as he glides to the rooftop. He lands and walks to Ironwood.
Batman: Storm is coming. Must find shelter soon, General.
Ironwood then notices him.
Ironwood. Right. The scum in this kingdom is getting jumpy because you stood up to Falcone and Jacques.
Batman: It's a start. Officer Flass was at the docks that night with Falcone.
Ironwood: Well, he sometimes moonlights as a low-level enforcer.
Batman: They were splitting the shipment in two. The first half went to the dealers.
Ironwood: So what about the other half?
Batman: Only Flass knows.
Ironwood: Well, he won't talk.
Batman: He'll talk to me.
Ironwood: And for you information, Commissioner Loeb has set up a huge task force to capture you. He thinks you're too dangerous when watching over this city.
Batman: What do you think?
Ironwood: For me and Commander Winter...We think you're trying to help.
Batman: Thanks, General.
Batman then grapples to the nearest rooftop and disappears into the night.
(Scene Change)
It was now raining in the low class neighborhoods of Vale as Flass jogged for shelter while eating a taco. But then he reaches the end of a alleyway, his left foot gets caught as he was grappled up the top of the staircase and looks at Batman.
Batman: Where were the other drugs going?
Flass: I never knew. I don't know. I swear.
Batman: Swear to me!
He grapples Flass down and back up.
Batman: Where are they?
Flass: I don't- - I don't know. I never knew. Never. They went to some guy for a couple days before they went to the dealers.
Batman: Why?
Flass: There was something...Something else in the drugs...something hidden.
Batman: What?
Flass: But I never went to the drop off point. It was in the Narrows. Cops only go there when they're in force.
Batman: Do I look like a cop?
Flass: No-
Batman grapples Flass down to the ground and lets him go. As Flass looks up, Batman was gone. For Batman, he is seen talking to Alfred.
Batman: Alfred, I got some news of the other shipment going to the Narrows. Can you give some information about it, please?
Alfred: Well ,the Narrows is a short island that is almost comparable to the Island of Patch. Normally considered to be a normal neighborhood for the poor and has a bridge that's like a half mile long. But the interesting part is there is no order of law there.
Batman: Guess it's a no mans land. I'm going to pay a little visit.
Alfred: Be careful there.
(Scene Change)
Back at the shipyard, two guards with a counselor of the Vale Police is seen walking to a red container.
Counselor: This is the one I'm talking about.
Guard: What's your problem with it?
Counselor: It shouldn't exist. This ship left Mistral with 246 containers, but only arrived with 247. So I'm guessing there's something I'm not supposed to find in there.
Guard: Listen, counselor, we don't wanna know what's in Mr. Falcone's crate.
Counselor: Things are working a little different now. Open it up.
The guard opens the container to reveal a device covered by a dust cover that said Wayne Enterprises.
Counselor: What the hell is this?
He was then shot to death by the two guards. The guards take off their disguises and put on their masks to reveal themselves to be two members of the League Of Shadows. One of them turns on his communicator.
League of Shadows Member: Master, we secured the package. Moving it out.
Become The Night (RWBY X Batman Male Reader) (*OLD*) COMPLETE
FanfictionI suffered my whole life. My father abused me. Tortured me. Breaking me in both body and soul. But at one day, I found freedom. And a man gifted me a reason to fend for myself from the cruelty of reality. Then, I was sent to a snowy land and found t...