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WICKED Memorandum, Date 232.1.26, Time 10:37
TO: My Associates
FROM: Ava Paige, Chancellor

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share the results and significant findings from our Group B Maze Trials, as I said would be discussed in last night's message. The perseverance and collaboration exhibited by our team and subjects have yielded valuable insights that will greatly advance our ongoing research efforts.

Thirty survivors, all well qualified for our next endeavour. The Group B subjects demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability, highlighting the group's genetic and psychological profiles. In particular, subject B6, B2, and B11's deaths, along with the 'rescue', provided to be a valuable finale. We needed to shock their systems, see their responses, and we did.

Strangely, seeing them in their current state, thinking all is well, has been the hardest thing for me to observe. But there's no time to reassess. For the good of our people, we will move forward.

Once again, I have my own feelings as to who should be chosen as the Chariot, but I also understand there have been some disagreements regarding my selection. I'll refrain from saying any more at this time so as not to influence any decisions. But to me, the choice is obvious.

The subjects will eventually recall and understand the purpose of the hard things we have done and plan to do to them. The mission of WICKED is to serve and preserve humanity, no matter the cost.

Please respond with your own reactions and findings. As Group B completed their Trials three days faster than their Group A counterparts, the subjects have had longer to rest before the implementation of Stage 2. At this time, let's allow ourselves to feel hopeful and remember what subject B1 wrote on his arm before losing his memories,

WICKED is good.


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