Tenko x Himiko

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Sorry, I didn't post sooner!
No one's P.O.V
"One, two, three!" Tenko commanded the rest of the group of students to practice their moves together. "I need you all to be on the same fluency!" Tenko's students were all teaching Akikido Martial Arts, most students thought Tenko Chabashira was a bit of a sexist person. The other half agreed about males being degenerate. After 15 minutes, Tenko finally paused them. "It's break time!" She said. Everyone sighed in relief from how much sweat was dripping down their forehead. Peko Pekoyama came in the class with Himiko Yumeno by her side as they walked to Tenko. Tenko quickly noticed the cast on her arm and began to run up her when she didn't even walk 5 feet into the classroom. "Oh, Himiko-chan! Are you okay? My saliva heals wounds!" Tenko began to sweat in guilt and put her hand up to spit saliva on her palm, until Peko dragged it down. "Don't worry, Chabashira. She's fine." Peko said calmly as Tenko turned to Himiko, who was looking in her pocket. "Nyeh, I found it." Himiko held out a pen and gave it to Tenko. "Nyeh, I know this might sound childish, but can you sign my cast?.." "O-of course!" Tenko immediately responded as she uncapped the pen and wrote 'Tenko' with a heart at the end on her white cast. "Thanks, Tenko." "No problem!" Tenko went back to her students. "Break is over!"
After school
Angie walked up to Tenko as she walked to the flower garden next to her school. "Hello, Tenko-san!" "Hi, Angie!" Tenko said back. She wasn't sure of Angie was there to rate her art or to speak to Atua with her. "Have you come here to meditate?" Angie asked, "No. I came her to make a flower crown!" "Ah, Atua doesn't necessarily think flower crowns are good, but ok!" Angie said. Tenko is honestly tired with all of this Atua stuff, so she decided to walk home instead. "Hah, thanks Angie! We had a nice conversation. But, J wanna' go home now. Bye!" Tenko said, trying not to sound rude. "Bye, Tenko!" She skipped off to the school, most likely art club. Tenko sighed as she stepped to the the sidewalk to see Himiko. Tenko ran to her cheerfully and and put her hands on her shoulders. Tenko could feel Himiko jump at the sudden, yet friendly surprise. "Nyeeeh! Don't scare me like that!" "Hah, sorry Himiko-chan!" "It's ok, don't do it again, though." She said, fixing her hat. "Wanna play charades of our male classmates?" Tenko said, pretending to sound evil. Himiko sighed, "If that's what you want." Himiko responded with a calm, friendly smile. "Ok, I'll go first!" Tenko shouted happily. Tenko began positioning her hands into a holding-soda-bottle position, moving her arm to her mouth- making it look as if she was drinking. "M-miu?!" Himiko guessed. "Nishishi! You're wrong!" Tenko quipped. "Nyeh, I see now! It's Kokichi!" (Cock-itchy-) "You're right congratulations, Yumeno!" Tenko kissed her cheek, making Himiko fluster. "D-don't do that!" "Hah, sorry Himiko! I couldn't help it!" Tenko said, kissing her again. They both walked to Tenko's house, Himiko getting a piggyback ride from passing out.
Boneless Bonus

"You know, I heard that Tenko! That hurt my fweelings!" Ouma came out of nowhere, making a massive dramatic crying scene. "Argh, silence you idiot! You're faking it!" She shouted. Ouma wiped his fake tears. "Nishi, thought you wouldn't kn-" Tenko slapped him, right in the face.
Both hands.
Real hard.
Ouma started crying, for real.

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