Chapter 21

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"What should we watch?" Daniel asked as he fell back onto the couch, a bowl of popcorn in his hand.

"I vote something scary." Zach raised his hand as he commented.

"No we are literally in a forest and Daniels house has too many uncovered windows, I'll pass." Jonah turned down Zach's suggestion.

"Skylar stop." Jack rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as everyone got silent and stared at me. "What did I do?" I looked around, confused.

"Your face, I know what you were thinking. You need to move on dude." He replied, pissing me off.

"Excuse you?" I scoffed. Why was he treating me like this?

"I think we can all agree we're tired of seeing you pouting and crying all the time. We can't say anything without you getting upset and saying something about Corbyn. He's dead and you need to accept that and move on so we can have Skylar back." Jack reprimanded. The other boys still stayed silent, afraid to interfere.

"What the hell Jack. I don't do that. And I'm sorry that I'm the only one who really cared about our friend enough. You just seem fucking happy that he's gone." He pissed me off so without thinking, I was gonna try and be as rude and hurtful as possible. I wish i wasn't like that but I couldn't help it.

"You're not the only one upset Sky. K? I miss him like crazy too, but I don't go around crying and looking for attention like you because at this point, that is exactly what you're doing. You just want attention and it's getting ridiculous." He scoffed.

"Alright guys, that's enough." Jonah said sternly, stopping me from opening my mouth to say something hurtful.

"No Jonah, let Jack finish and tell everyone all about me since he seems to know me better than even I do." I stopped Jonah as I kept eye contact with Jack.

"Oh you want me to tell them about you? Well how about I bring up the time when we kissed and days later you showed up with Jonah on your arm, after I poured my heart out to you. That one kinda stung."

"What you think I did that to hurt you? Sorry i fell in love, but as I recall it, you were the one in love with me, and it wasn't mutual." I sassily replied.

"That's not what Alex fucking told me. Imagine this. You have feelings for your best friend of 5 years, have since you met her, and you finally grow some balls and tell her, and she turns around and starts dating one of your best friends." Jack was beginning to get angry, I could tell this was a sensitive topic.

"Maybe I just wanted to get your annoying clingy ass off my back."

"You can't make up fucking lies Sky. You just sound like a fool."

"Alright guys, seriously this needs to stop." Zach butt in.

"Yeah we don't need this. We're a family and we need to act like it." Daniel added.

"Yeah tell that to little miss self centered over here. Everything is always about her and what she wants. What sky says goes. What sky wants, she gets. Sky gets make someone feel like shit and then ignore him and pretend like nothing ever happened, and then go and cry her eyes out about her dead friend, because he fucking matters more!" Jack began raising his voice.

"Jack!" Jonah exclaimed.

"Fuck you Jack. You know nothing about me. You grew too distant for months, and in that time probably forgot me completely. You wouldn't even fucking hug me for months. You no longer knew anything about me and you never even put in the effort to be my friend!" I began raising my voice back.

"Because you got a fucking boyfriend! I was just trying to be a considerate person and let you spend all your time with him! And how dare you say that I didn't want to be your friend. You have no idea what happened to me at home. Mental scars Skylar. If you think losing your friend hurts, imagine your mothers boyfriend beating you in front of your little sister and your mom just standing there, watching, not do a thing to help, and then having your mom thrown in jail for 4 years! That shit hurts Skylar. Quit being so fucking selfish." Tears began welling in his eyes as he talked about his mom.

"I tried to be there for you for that Jack and you pushed me away. That shit hurts too. If you had fucking told us when we began asking and having suspicions, all of that could have been prevented, but I guess you liked the abuse more." I got up off the couch, ready to leave. I was livid.

"Fuck you skylar. Fuck you. Don't ever fucking talk to me again you fucking bitch." Jack shook his head as he angrily cursed me out.

"Gladly." I through my middle finger up behind me as I walked towards the door.

"Skylar!" Jonah called after me but I ignored him.

I got in my car and just drove. I began receiving texts from the boys, telling me to come back and whatever, so I just turned off my phone and drove, trying to get my mind off everything.

The way Jack treated me was horrible and unfair and I hated him.

After a while of driving around I decided to just go home and get some sleep, but my mind was so restless, I could get myself to fall asleep, so I decided to call Alex.

It had been a while since I'd talked to her, sometimes I would even forget about her and I felt bad about that.

"Alex!" I exclaimed when she answered.

"Hey babe! I don't have long to talk, what's up?" She responded, she looked kinda busy.

"Let's see, where do I start. Corbyn killed himself last month, haven't been taking that one very well..." I began, tears sliding down my face as I maintained my smile. "and to make everything so much better, Jack and I aren't friends anymore so, life's great." I laughed through tears, not even sure how else to react.

"Oh my god. Holy shit. Are you ok? What happened?" She started freaking out. She never knew Corbyn but I had told her about him.

"Jake bullied Corbyn to death is all I can figure, and according to Jack, I don't get to be upset about his death, so we fought, in front of everyone, he told me not to talk to him again so I said gladly and just left." I continued to laugh as if that would make the pain go away.

"Do you want me to talk to him? That's not right."

"No, don't worry about it. I'm over it. You seem busy, I'm gonna let you go, love you." I sighed as I closed my laptop lid.

Hi I suck at writing fighting scenes so yeah k byeeeee

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