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Out on the open sea again. Nothing else surrounded the Silver Fox, but the calm, blue waves dancing around as far as eyes could see. The gods were pleased with Frode's offering and blessed them with good wind, carrying the ship farther and farther to the North.

Lìfa had always adored the sea and could never get enough of the sight. Like in every moment she didn't spend paddling, now she was standing at the prow of the ship staring at the endless blue water. She let the cold salty breeze caress her face and carry around her hair. She watched the waves go up and down, never stop moving as she tried to distinguish between where the sea ended and where the sky began. The two merged into each other so perfectly, she felt like the water wasn't only under the ship, but above it, with the clouds being only the white foam on the waves' skirt.

Lìfa knew well how powerful this element was and she knew its two faces as well. It could be kind and giving like now. It was calm, cheerful, and it supplied them with endless resources of fish. But the sea's other face was dark, reckless and powerful. It could take back and wash away everything it ever had given with only one wave. The water was unstoppable, tameless and free. Just like Lìfa. She carried part of this power and strength in her soul and her deep blue eye was a crystal clear reflection of the sea she adored so much. Every time she set sail, she felt like she became part of it as she let her spirit run free and race with the winds and dance with the waves.

As she enjoyed her time alone at the prow, she saw a familiar bird approaching from the sky. It was one of Frode's ravens. He used the birds to estimate the ship's distance from the land. At certain times he let one of the birds free and it flew back to the ship if there was no land anywhere near. Otherwise, the birds always waited for their owners on the land. Guided by a sudden idea, Lìfa reached out her arm towards the raven, offering it to the bird to land on.

„Making new friends?" she heard a familiar voice from behind her back. As she slowly turned around with the black bird on her arm, she found Frode standing there with his other raven on his shoulder.

„That one is Huginn*, and this one on my shoulder is Muninn*. They are very special birds, you know why?" the godi turned to Lìfa with a mysterious smile.

"Because they always return to you?" Lìfa asked while petting Huginn's head who still sat on her arm. The bird seemed to be pretty pleased with the treatment, and it showed no intentions on returning back to its owner.

Lìfa found the godi's question a bit confusing and strange because everyone knew that ravens were clever birds, and she had no idea why they would be special. It also didn't help that her answer only made the smile on the old man's face grow wider, as he watched her interacting with Huginn.

"They only let people with seidr close to them. No ordinary men can touch these divine creatures. They carry the messages of the Allfather himself, and only the chosen ones can hear their whispers." he gave Lìfa a meaningful look, and without any further explanation, he whistled to Huginn, and he walked away with both birds on his shoulders, leaving Lìfa alone with her thoughts.

Though she didn't have much time to think about what just happened as Olaf and Bjarne called out to her, asking for her help with organizing the food and water supplies on the ship. She happily joined them. She took every chance she could to connect with the crew. She also loved their stories about the old quests and adventures. She listened to them with great interest and her mates were always happy to tell them.

"Olaf, would you mind telling me about my father? I mean about what he was like before me." Lìfa turned to the cook. He froze during organizing the small pouches of spices and dried meat, and with a big sigh he sat down on one of the trunks. For a few seconds, he just eyed the girl, stroking his bushy brown beard. As he scanned his memories and travelled back in time, his lips involuntarily curved into a small smile.

Wolf Child - Lìfa-saga Book 1Where stories live. Discover now