book 1 Lava - chapter three: Goodbye

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(It is 8 am in the morning. soldiers are moving stuff into the boat)

firelord: well almost everything is packed just need Julia with her stuff, wait where is Julia actually?

(at Julia's home, Julia is still sleeping when her alarm goes off)

Julia: oh no i overslept! why didnt my clock go off! the fire lord is going to be so mad.

(Julia jumps out of bed starts to eat prepares herself and joins her mother and sister at the dinning table)

Julia's mom: sweetie aren't you a little late?

Julia: yes I know I overslept do you have some toast or something quick?

Julia's mom: yeah of course its already being made this just down and relax

Julia: no, i can't i should've been on time but Im not, I hate being late

Julia's mom: yeah i know but there is no turning back so just don't worry the firelord probably understands.

(Julia, Kiki and her mother are sitting together eating and talking)

Julia: unbelievable in like a hour Im going on a journey and i have no idea when Im going to return, its scary mom.

Julia's mom: I can imagine that, can I ask you something dear?

Julia: sure mom

Julia's mom: well since when did you know you were the avatar?

Julia: well I didnt know I was specifically the avatar but I always knew something was different but I didnt want to talk about it because nobody would believe me.

Julias mom: what is different than honey?

Julia: well believe me or not but there is a voice in my head that guides me, when Im anxious she helps me, when Im scared she gives me confidence.

Julias mom: if I had known you were the avatar I wouldve done some research but I have no idea what it is.

Julia: well I dont know exactly what it is either but I had a dream last night and I met her, she was huge and she told me that some people have studied our origin for long and these people are closer then you think one actually will be a great friend

Julia:s mom: hmmm interesting I think I need to go to the library more often but not today.

(everyone is done eating and are heading outside)

Julias mom: I cant believe it my little girl is going on a trip I could only dream off

(12am Julia, Kiki and Julias mom arrive at the docks and see the firelord standing in the distance)

Firelord: Julia where have you been? We were suppose to leave 4 hours ago

Julia (really panicked tone): Im so sorry if overslept badly and..

Firelord: easy, easy its okay Im not mad or anything we dont have a time that we need to be back so dont worry I was just wondering. Are you ready to leave now?

Julia: yes I think so wait my stuff oh no!

Julias mom: calm down honey, I made it for you. (gives Julia a bag full of clothing)

Julia: thanks mom (gives her mother a hug)

Julia: well I guess this is it Im leaving.

Julias mom: yes darling this is it. (a tear rolls over her cheeks)

Kiki: please be careful sis (tears start running down her cheeks to)

(they all give a big hug)

(Julia wipes her tears away and walks to the firelord who waits for her on the ship)

Firelord: alright everyone is on we can go!

(everything shuts and the boat is leaving while Julia and the firelord stand on the side waving to Julias mom and Kiki

Julia: I love you mom! (a single tears runs down her face)

Julias mom: I love you to honey, be careful

(Meanwhile in republic city in one of the tallest buildings)

Equalist: I just heard news the avatar and the firelord are heading out for their travel I have the location of their ship?

Equalist leader: No I have a better idea if you like to follow me.

(the equalist and the equalist leader walk towards a room with a world map in the middle and all high ranked equalist around it)

Equalist leader: you stand over here.

Alright men thanks for gathering before I begin I like to introduce myself my name is Lu gen. my humble assisted here told me that the avatar and the firelord left the fire nation if we follow the avatar cycle her first visit is the air temples. Or what else is a possibility is air temple island so I want to know for sure where are they going and who wants the honor first to defeat them.

Unknown: you can leave that to me

Lu gen: and what makes you so special?

(a lady with long blonde hair steps forward)

Unknown: I will first introduce myself I am Janet. I have trained chi blocking for many years and since the avatar doesnt really know how to fight she is a easy prey I have allot of skills in knife throwing even better then Mai the wife of firelord Zuko.

Lu gen: hmmm and the firelord then?

Janet: him? I just use some charm, he looks serious and unbothered but he has a weak spot and Im pretty sure I can break that out of him.

Lu gen: I see you are pretty confident about yourself.

Janet: that is because Im 100% sure I can take them

Lu gen: well fine, you are in charge of their demise, I want you to figure out where they are going and take them down at the right time.

Janet: I will sir, I will

(the ship Is heading east the firelord is standing on deck watching at the sea)

Firelord: my whole life I wanted to do this and its finally happening I cant wait to see everything that there is to explore

Julia: firelord uhm where are we going (said Julia in a shy voice)

Firelord: we are heading east we are going to visit republic city I have made contact with air temple island and they can help us to the air temples they are really high up so we need a bison or something else

Julia: why didnt we take a plane or airship?

Firelord: unfortunately we dont have allot of them anymore and they are not easy to make and I think this is a bit safer. Everything okay Julia?

Julia: no I have never left my house for so long and the avatar journey what if I fail as avatar or the equalist show up and take me away what if..

Firelord: calm down it will be fine Im here, my soldiers are here we are safe. Besides Im going to teach you proper fire bending.

Julia: well I really need it because my fire bending is really weak.

Firelord: have my guards showed you your room?

Julia: No?

Firelord: hmm, well I wil show you just follow me

( they walk into the door and immediately turn left)

Firelord: This is it!

Julia: WOW its so huge a beautifull big bed a mirror with a big drawer, a desk and weapons?

Firelord: I thought maybe you can try something you like, but just pack your stuff make it like home and I will be on the deck. Today no training just try to get used to this place it can be difficult.

Julia: Firelord... Well what do you know about the avatar and all its spirit stuff?

Firelord: well I can write a book about everything I know for now it is a bit to much make it yourself comfortable and tomorrow will be the first training.

Julia: Thank you!

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