book 1 Lava - chapter four: Republic danger

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(next day 9am the fire lord is already standing on deck)

Julia: Im here, this time on time

Firelord: you sound refreshed slept well?

Julia: yeah I miss home and its scary but also deep down very exciting

Firelord: thats great are you ready for practice?

Julia: Yes lets do this!

(2 hours later)

Firelord: Alright remember to breath while you punch

Julia: ugh why Is it so difficult to perfect this?

Firelord: bending is a art nobody learns it in one day but I can make things more interesting, you will do a practice Agni kai

Julia: uhhh okay against who?

Firelord: me of course

Julia: I dont think thats fair you are way more skilled

Firelord: yes, but its for practice alright, shoot something at me!

Again! Again! Harder! Remember to breath! Now multiple punches!

(Julia gets frustrated and punches a big fireball)

Firelord: impressive but never let angry take you over, if it takes you over it will be your own demise but you can do this Again and you can use angry but let it not take you over!

(Julia and the firelord train till 5pm)

Julia: are we done? Im really tired

Firelord: yes, we are done for today it is almost time for dinner I see.

Julia: yes Im starving, but can I talk to you first?

Firelord: sure lets sit over there

(they take place on a cough which is placed against the wall next to the door opening)

Julia: well I learned one time in school that earth benders are only capable for lava bending but how are you able to?

Firelord: I wonder that sometimes to, I cant give an explanation about it I can only say that the world is full of mysteries there are allot of things we cant explain.

Julia: but can everyone who is a fire or earth bender bend lava?

Firelord: No it is not that everyone just certain people.

Julia: could I do it?

Firelord: well, thats an interesting question I think you can, as the avatar you can have every element. Avatar korra was the first avatar who was a metal bender and avatar Genji a sand bender So it should be possible that you can learn lava bending

Julia: really? I would love to do that it seems so awesome!

Firelord: I can teach you but Im afraid that lava bending for the avatar requires earth bending

Julia: and when Im I going to learn that?

Firelord: well we have to go with the avatar cycle, you are born a fire bender so first we have air then water and lastly earth and after that we can visit Zaofu.

Julia: Zaofu? What is that?

Firelord: the home of the metal clan for metal bending, never heard of it?

Julia: no never, is there a lava bender state?

Firelord: well, uhm I think not, I dont know actually.

(1 month later on the fire nation ship)
Firelord: alright soldiers, capture the avatar for me!

(3 soldiers attack Julia with powerful fireballs but Julia dodges all of them en fires a huge fireblast which knocks two guards against the cabin and the last guy runs away in fear)

Julia: didn't even blink and they were gone (she says in a sassy tone)

Firelord: alright then it's up to me!

(They both shoot a huge fireblast against each other, the ships starts to turn over a little bit and one of the guards run out)

Guard: you have to stop now!

Julia: alright Jason we'll stop right now

Firelord: I am really impressed, you are almost as strong as me

Julia: sorry you said it wrong you should've said that: "you are stronger then me"

Firelord: haha, you feel really comfortable now aren't you?

Julia: what makes you say that?

Firelord: well at first you were not so open and you didn't say what was on your mind because you didn't want to hurt people

Julia: true but I figured out you are actually a big softy (Said Julia with a big smile on her face)

Firelord: no I'm not!

Julia: relax I'm joking, don't be so hotheaded
You get it because you are Firelord and.. forget it

Firelord: well i would say you are ready for something new

Julia: you are gonna learn me lava bending!

Firelord: no, i think you are ready for air bending

Julia: really? Alright then let's do this.. wait where do we go actually?

Firelord: we are close to republic city we will train on air temple island for a while with someone special

Julia: special who?

Firelord: you will see

(Within a few hours they reach air temple island they are step of the boat and on the shore is one woman with long blonde hair)

Unknown: o my god! it's really him no way this happening it is the Firelord

Firelord: (thinks about something for a second): yes and who might you be?

Unknown: my name is Janet I have waited so long for you to arrive I wanted to see the avatar and the firelord in real life and in real life you are way more handsome 

Julia: the cringe (and she looks the other way)

(A lady starts walking towards them)

Unknown: hallo Avatar Julia and Firelord we have been expecting you my name is motoki. And who may you be?

Janet: I'm Janet, I heard the firelord was visiting so I wanted to really see them and can I please stay and watch I won't bother

Motoki: well for a bit we won't stay here long

(They walk to the middle where a sky bison is sitting)

Motoki: we won't teach you here because it's to dangerous, the equalist are not far from here but it's suicide going in their even for the police

Firelord: well I don't want to stay longer then, we're are we going?

Julia: yeah and does this girl joining us because I think she is glued to matthijs now

Motoki: well no, Julia come this way, we will take you and the firelord to the northern air temple where you will..

(All of the sudden from the docks a blast of fire goes up)

Julia: what's happening?

(When they look they see the firelord tied up and Janet holding him on a jet ski)

Janet: sorry girls but he is going to Lu Gen with me, later darling

(As she speeds away they run towards the bison try to catch them but Janet goes through a sewer pipe unable to reach for the ski bison)

Julia: no!

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