book 1 Lava - chapter five: uncontrollable Anger

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(underground the firelord is chained on his hand and feet so he cant use his legs or arms)

Lu Gen: Hallo firelord, remember me?

(firelord looks with anger towards Lu Gen)

Lu Gen: Im the one you almost killed at the fire nation and now you are my prisoner haha what a small world isnt it.

Firelord: Im dying of laughter

Lu Gen: oh you will be dead soon but not from laughter, when u are dead the avatar is no match for us we will take her down and the equalist will spread further across the world searching for the next avatars making sure they wont get old enough to master the elements.

Firelord: why would you do that the avatar is already the most powerful bender in the world no one can beat the avatar.

Lu Gen: so you dont know anything, if the avatar keeps dying early on the power will decrease until the avatar is nothing more than a regular bender.

Firelord: Goodluck, but it wont happen Julia is really strong and will definitely kick your ass

Janet: I dont think so, we have armys everywhere around the world with different leaders so nowhere she is safe, we are everywhere.

(on airbender island)

Julia: he is gone! Where did they go? We have to do something!

Motoki: I think I know where they are but its dangerous there is a risk that we get caught and killed.

Julia: we cant leave him he will die if we dont do anything!

Motoki: Alright follow me

(they are walking into the training area)

Motoki: airbender we have a problem the firelord has been kidnapped, we need to rescue him. Go to everyone you meet and tell them to do what they have to do and then go to airbender island

(airbender take of in their wingsuits to find other people around the world)

(3 hour later)

Motoki: Alright may I have your attention for Avatar Julia

(everyone is cheering and Julia gets really nervous)

Julia: hi everyone uhm.. I wanted everyone here together to save someone..

Motoki: Are you okay you seem really nervous?

Julia: I really am nervous.. I never spoke to so many people at one, can you please take it over?

Motoki: off course the Firelord has been kidnapped by the equalist they are in a underground bunker under Kyoshi bridge we need to got him away from them ASAP or a second war may be upon us.

(in the underground bunker)

Lu Gen: when u are dead the fire nation will ignite a war every other nation will conflict. When the fire nation finds out we are everywhere they will search everywhere and not everyone will appreciate soldiers from a nation which caused war about 300 years ago. 

(screams in an angry voice) Firelord: once Im free I will make sure you never see the sunlight!

Lu Gen: remember last time you saw sunlight and take it with you to hell ash maker

(The Firelord cannot control his anger) (spits fire from his mouth and shakes the chains the whole grounds starts to shake) Lu Gen: oh you think your tough go ahead do what u want you will only hurt republic city.

(the ground starts shaking in republic city people think it is a an unknown earthquake meanwhile Julia and 20 airbenders walk through the tunnel when the ground starts to shake)

Julia: what is happening!

motoki: My sixth scents feels like someone is really angry

Julia: they must be nearby then which way?

Motoki: this way down the hall and then to our left.

Julia: a metal door how are we going to pass?

(multiple airbenders bent towards the door but it doesnt open. Everyone starts to panic)

Julias mind: what did he teach you breath in and out fire is alive it needs oxygen to, how better you control how bigger and better the flame

Julia: alright get back everyone

(she breaths in and out 2 times and throws a punch at the door which makes the door to fly down, they walk in and see the firelord in complete rage spitting fire. Lu Gen and a few equalist appear everyone is fighting but the airbender fall down quick and Lu Gen and 2 equalist are remaining)

Lu Gen: give up little girl and make this easy

(the 2 equalist run towards Julia and when the firelord sees this he grabbed the chain and pulled it down where one of the rocks collides, with one hand free he shoots a huge fireball towards the 2 equalist.

Lu Gen: I underestimated you, you are stronger then I thought, so sad I have to make a end to this

(Lu Gen run towards the firelord and took out to sais. Lu Gen jumps to reach the firelord when..)

Julia: Noooo..

(when Lu Gen jumps, Julia feels a rush of emotions angry, worried, defenseless, her eyes start to light up and shoots with minimal effort 2 tactical like fire blast and grabs Lu Gen and slams him to the ground)

Firelord: the avatar state! Incredible

Lu Gen: impossible

Julia in ravaa voice: you keep your hands of him!

(she punches the ground and separate it with lava between it which is going towards Lu Gen)

Firelord: she can lava bend? interesting

Janet: I need to get away from here like right now I am not going to do this again forget it.

(Lu Gen and Janet both escape through a metal door on the other side)

Firelord: The bunker is colliding Julia!

(She uses the avatar state to fill the gap again and clear out the lava and leaves the avatar state causing her to fall down)

Firelord: Julia! (uses all of his strengt to breake loose of the chain, runs towards her, picks her up and tells the airbenders to go in front of them to clear out whatever comes this way and walks towards the exit)

Motoki: her power is incredible!

Firelord: she is incredible!

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