Chapter 1

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It's my first day back to work since I was on leave from having Brady. It's just very hard for me to focus on work when I'm busy focusing on what I found last week. It turns out my dad left my mom and I a note on the morning he died and it read:

"Dear Kristiana and Jackie" (me and my mom)

"I love you more than you know but I'm just not meant for this world. Please accept whatever I do and know that I will be with you through hard and easy times!

Kristiana, do whatever you want in life. You don't have to become a doctor if you don't want to, I will be with you on whatever path you choose to take in life!

And Jackie, you are the love of my life! You made my life 100 percent better than it was before I met you! Please know that I'm okay with you moving on, I want you to be happy! I love you guys! Goodbye. Love, Christian" (my dad)

The shock that this note sent through me was like a massive wave of depression . It proved that my dad did plan his death, although I still wonder if he meant to die the way he did. I don't know if he wanted to die in his car or from some other tragic event later in the day. I just wish I knew the answer to these many secrets just thrown onto me at the age of 8. As my mom once said

" The many truths of the world are kept secrets for a reason, although sometimes we are tempted to reveal those secret truths."

I didn't really understand it until now, when I'm actually going through exactly what is expressed in this little saying. The problem is, I'm not tempted to uncover the secret truths, I'm determined to uncover them.

Once I got home, I called my mom and she came over to try to add up what we have from when dad died to come to some sort of solution of what exactly happened on the day he died. We went online and found out that there is a camera above one of the lights at the intersection where my dad crashed. Quickly, I found the phone number to the downtown control center and called them to try and get the footage from 20 years ago.

"Hello, this is Maggie from Downtown services. How may I help you?"

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