Chapter 2

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"Yes, hello!" I started, stumbling on my words.

"My name is Kristiana Edwards, daughter of Christian Edwards."

It felt weird saying my maiden name, it's not something I use a lot because I'm married and the name brings back too many memories.

I continued "I'm calling because I would like to see some footage from the camera at Lincoln and 1st Ave. from a very long time ago."

"Ma'am I'm afraid we can't grant access to see footage to people without authority to do so, do you have authority?"

I knew it was to good to be true!

"No , but, you don't understand ma'am I" I started, but the lady cut me off.

"No I understand perfectly that I can't let you see the footage without authority. Have a good day Mrs. Edwards."

Then the line was dead.

After the lady hung up I explained to my mom that we would need to be granted authority to see the footage and that the lady on the phone was a jerk and in no way helped me to find what I needed.

"Well, we could go to court and try to be granted access there." my mom suggested

" I guess but I don't really want to get involved with a bunch of court stuff. plus I really would like to figure some things out on my own."

"Okay, just, at least keep it in mind please!"

" I will." I replied

After that my mom left and I tried to find out what I could to continue searching for the truth.

To try to "dig deeper" into this case , I went through some of my dads old files that I transferred to my computer.

I knew at one point my dad went to therapy to try and sort out his suicidal thoughts, so I found the therapists number and called her.

When I called my dads therapist, I got her voicemail at her work, then I heard her leave her personal number on the message so I called that number and she immediately picked up.

" Hello this is Kristiana Edwards, I don't know if you remember me but I'm Christian Edwards daughter."

" Of course I remember you!" she replied "How are you what's going on?"

"I'm good!" I told her " I actually just had my second child."

"Wow I can't believe it has been this long since we've seen each other!"

"I know! Listen um, do you think we could meet at the coffee shop this Saturday, I have some things to talk about? Its kind of important."

"Um would Saturday work? I have an appointment Saturday."

"Ya that's fine." I told her "I'll just have to get a babysitter because my husband Ansel has a charity basketball game Sunday."

"Okay, great! I'll see you Sunday!" The therapist, Mrs. Kate said

" Alright see you then!" I said the hung up.

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