Knowing me, knowing you

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Anne glanced out her bedroom window and a grin spread across her freckled face a tall handsome boy walked up to the front door.
"Gilbert Blythe"she sighed
Why did he have to look that way why did he have to flash that boyish grin at her she couldn't help but grin back every time.

Gilbert was there to help Mathew and Jerry with the farm but Anne sometimes wished he was there for other reasons she sometimes liked to ponder the idea of Gilbert and her being a couple...but no she didn't like that boy in fact she didn't like any boys!, apart from Cole but that was different, Cole was a  friend and Gilbert wasn't a friend, if anything he was a rival an enemy! and she would never ever forgive him for the upset he caused her Never. She stood up and pressed her nose up against the window in an un-lady like manner. Gilbert spotted her and waved while foolishly grinning. Anne wasn't impressed so she stuck up her chin and swerved so her back was to the window.

Gilbert's smile dimmed and he looked down at the floor, Anne was a mystery to him on minute she was smiling and laughing the next she was crying and screaming why did she have to be so difficult he felt mad but he couldn't stay mad at her for long she was to important to him he didn't want to wreck there relationship or make her feel stressed he felt something towards Anne that he couldn't quite put his finger on, it was a kind of giddy feeling not like butterfly's more like a nest of wasps had inhabited his body. He knew if Anne felt a feeling like that towards him she would Deny it but he wasn't in the habit of suppressing emotions especially if nothing had felt so wonderful in his life he wasn't the smallest bit ashamed of his emotions! And Anne should be either.

Anne stood up and walked towards her dressing table today was the first day back to school (Gilbert came early in the morning for that was the only free time he had due to his Extra classes after school) Anne undid her braids and stared and herself in the mirror her hair was lengthy now and was slightly waved because of her braids she redid them and pulled her plain brown dress on over her under wear. She hated that stupid dress it was not a suitable outfit for princess Cordelia. Anne had pleaded and pleaded with Marila to Let her wear her pretty pail blue puffed sleeved dress but Marila had decided it was to extravagant for school. Anne trudged down the stairs saddened by her appearance but her spirits lifted when she saw Mathew at the bottom of stairs she hurtled towards him and leaped into his arms,
"Morning Mathew" said a cheery Anne
"Morning anne" Mathew replied
He put her down and kissed her on the forehead,
"now run along and eat your breakfast or Marila will have ya" said Mathew
Anne obeyed and skipped over to the breakfast table and sat down.
"Now eat up Anne Or you'll be late for school" yawned Marila
"I'll be quick I promise I haven't got much of an appetite anyway" anne told Marila
"Well be on your way then and remember to remind mrs Stacy that Gilbert's coming in later today because he has kindly offered to finish up here first ok Anne" reminded Marila
"Yes yes"said anne dreamily
Anne stood up and waved to Marila who gently smiled back. Anne headed for the door, once outside She saw Gilbert and Jerry staking hay Gilbert's eyes met with her own, for about a second Anne forgot how much she hated him but only for a second soon she was back in reality, so she politely nodded and went of to meet her bosom friend Diana.

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