Dancing in the rain

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Anne woke up and took a deep breath I'n and out, I'n and out. Last night had been a wild series of events, some might even say the most eventful night of Anne Shirley Cuffberts life.
Tonight was the school dance, Anne had mixed emotions she was worried Gilbert would laugh at her for being a terrible dancer or people would say she looked ugly but it didn't matter what they thought all that mattered was what she thought!
The rest of the day went by in what felt like days everything moving slowly until finally school was over, and Anne was home.
Anne walked up, into her room and looked into her closet, Hanging pride of place next to her blue dress was her silky green dress, she took it out her closet and held it up to her body it felt  beautiful and clean! Anne slipped of her boring school clothes and pulled on her glorious dress, Marila walked into Anne's room
"Oh Anne you look ravishing!"Marila undid Anne's breads and let her long hair flow
Anne smile at Marila and tucked her hair behind her ears, put on her green pumps and walked down the stairs.Awaiting her at the bottom was a handsome young boy who looked completely gob smacked
"Anne you look extraordinary!"Gilbert said in awe
"Thank you Gilbert you looked very handsome, yourself"Anne beamed
The couple waved goodbye to Marila and Mathew then they walked out the door!
When They arrived at the town hall Anne was ecstatic she was so excited to dance the night away!
Anne and Gilbert walked into town hall.
Everybody turned around to look at them  Gilbert grinned, And stood proudly, while Anne awkwardly blushed and shuffled away from there glares.
"Anne be more confident your the most beautiful girl in here" Gilbert said in a soothing tone
"You think" Anne said slightly stunned at the comment
"Of course you are!" Gilbert said a little to loud
"Shall we dance" he asked
Anne nodded as they made there way to the dance floor.
Anne and Gilbert started to waltz slowly taping there feet to the rhythm of the music. They stared into one another eyes in a un breaking trance until Billy and Josie stomped up to them.
"What are you doing here mutt" Billy growled
"I'm not a mutt thank you very much go mind your own business Billy!" Anne snapped in disgust
"Yea don't come near us!" Gilbert scoffed
"Oh look Anne's got herself a little boy friend to stick up for her has she?" Josie coughed
"Keep your mouth shut Josie!" Anne said while clenching her jaw
"Get out of the dance hall and onto the streets where you belong mutt" Billy bellowed
"Shoo mutt, shoo" Josie added
Anne looked hurt and upset this was her and Gilbert's night!
Before Anne could get another word out her mouth Billy's gang and there dates started chanting
"Shoo, mutt, shoo!, shoo mutt shoo"
Diana ran over to Anne and started to shout at the people bullying Anne, but no matter how hard they tried the kids wouldn't stop!.
Finally Anne had had enough she grabbed her coat and ran outside Diana moved to follow her but Gilbert stopped her and said
"I've got this one" Diana smiled in gratitude 
Anne ran into the bleak rainy night followed by Gilbert.
"Anne wait do not listen to them!" Gilbert hurtled towards Anne trying to catch up with her.
"I can't not listen to them Gilbert!, When there soul purpose in life is to humiliate me!" Anne cried
Gilbert grabbed Anne now soaking wet  shoulders
"Anne if you lead your hole life listening to other people's judgments you'll never learn to love yourself for what you are" Gilbert gently smiled
Anne nodded what he said was true, so Anne decided to embrace the situation
"Gilbert can I have this dance" Anne asked
Gilbert smiled and took her hand, the pair danced as if they were in the ball room, when they were really in the street, in the rain, but they didn't care as long as they were together they could be anywhere.
Hi y'all wassup! Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed I just didn't want to make it all the other shirbert dance scenes (not that there bad there all amazing!) I'm sorry if you didn't like the bullying though I just thought it added drama!! I hope you enjoyed it byeeeeeeeee😁🤟💕😐

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