Why did it have to be me?

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Anne broke into a run when she spotted her bosom friend Diana in the distance
"DIANA, DIANA" Anne called
"ANNE" Diana screeched in reply
FOREVER!" said anne
"Indeed father says out trip to France was a great success because the lady at la fermarakato! Said we seemed like we had potential!"Diana giggled
"Wait what's la fermarakato?"Anne questioned
"Well it's our finishing school of course but don't worry we won't be going there for a good number of years!" Said Diana politely
"Well thank heaven" said Anne while hugging her bosom friend tightly
"Yes thank heaven"Diana repeated
The girls slowly walked to school arm in arm while catching up. Once they had arrived at the school gates they saw ruby who skipped over to greet them they all hugged and then the trio walked over and placed there milk in the stream.
"I can't wait to see Gilbert" ruby said happily
"Yes he is looking ever so grown up this year I saw him yesterday on our drive home from the ferry and he has grown quite a bit" agreed Diana
"Well I think he's just plain old Gilbert Blythe !,and I shall not tolerate any nonsense from him!"anne said in a angry tone
Before Diana or ruby could disagree mrs Stacy called the class in.
"Children class is about to be in session hurry on in"Mrs Stacy called out
The three girls rushed in, hung up there coats and took there places at there seats.
"Good morning class did every one have a nice summer?"asked Mrs Stacy
"yes mrs!"they replied
"Well today I have a very exciting announcement!" She sang
"We're going to have a school dance!"
Suddenly all the children began to giggle and chat until the room full excited chatter!
"Quite down now children the dance will take place a week from now but in the mean time you shall get dance lessons I need you to push your desks to the side and come sit in a circle so we can discuss this in further detail"Said mrs Stacy
The children began too push aside there desks and form a circle.
"Mrs Stacy Gilbert's going to be late today!" Anne reminded her
"Oh yes indeed, thank you Anne"
"No problem"
Once all the desks were cleared away they sat in a circle
"Now before the actual dancing begins you will each need a partner!, now I'm going to allow you to pick your partners but it must be boy-girl and before any of you complain these are mrs lynds terms not mine!"mrs Stacy told the children
"But mrs, no one wants to be partners with anne" taunted Billy 

Anne's face began to redden 

"quite billy"Mrs Stacy scolded

Billy made faces at Anne and she looked down, what did it it matter if he was cruel and unfeeling it wasn't her problem if he was rude.
"Ok children partner up" Mrs Stacy declared
Charlie, moody and Fred all rushed towards Diana, moody got there first so Fred asked ruby and Charlie asked Jane, Billy asked Josie pye and Tilly was pared up with one of Billy's disciples. that left Anne on her own looking ashamed and unwanted.
"Ok children now your all in pairs..."
"Mrs anne doesn't have a partner" Josie giggled
"Well Anne you can go with...",
Mrs Stacy spotted Gilbert hanging up his coat
"Gilbert!"she suggested
"what!" Anne shrieked
"Yes he doesn't have a partner and neither do you so it's perfect!" She told Anne
"But..but" anne quivered
"I'm sorry Anne he's the only person left"
Gilbert just realised what happened and his eyes lit up he dumped his books on the floor and ran towards Anne. He winked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Now children boys on the outside girls on the inside one hand on the lady's hip and the other on her shoulder, lady's put both your hands around your partners neck" Mrs Stacy instructed
The children did as they were told apart from the occasional giggle or snigger the room was silent.
"Now step forward twice and back twice then gentleman turn you lady around twice ever body got it" said Mrs Stacy
The class nodded and Mrs Stacy put on the record. Gilbert and Anne awkwardly got into position and began to dance. Anne was dripping with sweat she felt so flustered she face was bright red, Gilbert noticed and grinned to himself.
"What are you grinning at"Anne barked
"Don't worry about it Shirley"
"Mrs Shirley cuthbert to you Blythe"She snarled
"Ok then Mrs" Gilbert said in a soft tone
Anne started to blush so she changed the subject
"your a good dancer" Anne said awkwardly
"Your not bad yourself" Gilbert replied while spinning her
"I'm sorry you were paired with me" Anne spluttered
"Don't be"Said Gilbert under his breath
Anne smiled and stopped talking, instead she began to count her steps, she really was a good dancer she thought to herself or maybe Gilbert was just a good lead. It wasn't till that moment Anne realized how close she was to Gilbert a part of her wanted to pull away but another part of her wanted to be closer she shook the thought out of head and carried on dancing.
Once school had finished Gilbert thanked Anne for being such a great dancer, she Returned the compliment, then walked over to Diana
"So how was dancing with moody" said Anne
"It was romantical" Diana said dreamily
"How was dancing with Gilbert" Diana asked
"Fine.."said Anne bluntly
"Good"chuckled Diana
"Good" replied Anne
The girls began to walk home they parted in the woods with much sorrow once they had said goodbye Anne started to walk on her own until she heard a voice behind her
"hello anne" said a familiar yet unsettling voice
Anne's head turned in terror to see Billy standing there towering over here
"What do you want?"trembled Anne
"are you scared orphan girl" Billy whispered
"No..no" Anne quivered
Billy thrashed her shoulder against a tree and she waked her head on the ground, everything went fuzzy, Billy looked worried he hadn't meant to cause her this much pain he started to walk away then he broke into a run he was a coward and Anne was stone cold unconscious.

sorry for any spelling errors :))

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