Proud of You (Chapter 12)

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     "No, I think we should put this chart on top."

     N stood in the meeting room with the Once-ler, trying to prep the area before it was time for the investors to visit.

     "It makes more sense this way," he said, putting a different chart on top.

     "Hmm... No, still don't see it."

     "Hey, who's the businessman here?"

     N crossed her arms, looking from the chart to him. Finally, she sighed and said, "Right, right, you are."

     "Well, I guess this chart is just as important," the Once-ler said, switching the charts. "Is that better?"

     "You didn't have to change it. But yeah, better," said N, dropping her arms to her side. "Anyway, they'll be here any minute. You remember what to say, right?"

     "Uh, I'm supposed to tell them to pay in cash?"

     "Oh no..."

     "I'm kidding!" Once-ler said with a laugh. "I know what to say, don't worry."

     "...If that's the case, then I'm going to go step outside to wait for the investors," N replied as she turned towards the door. Before she could walk away, he hugged her from behind.

     "Thanks for being with me, N," Once-ler said.

     "Yeah... No problem... Um, your mother suspects us, by the way."

     "What?" he asked, letting go.

     N turned around, about to tell him that his mom was an awful person, but then decided against it. He seemed to actually like his family, and saying something bad about them wouldn't make him happy.

     He probably wouldn't believe it if I told him what she said, N thought.

     "I just wanted to let you know. That's it," she said, avoiding his gaze.

     "Did something happen?"

     "No, no. Everything's fine. Anyway, I'm heading out now."

     N quickly left the room and waited outside the door. Right away, she saw a few men with briefcases walking down the hallway.

     "Hello, welcome to Thneed Inc. This way, please," she greeted, opening the door for them. After everyone was inside, she went in and closed the door behind her, standing beside it quietly.

     "Gentlemen," the Once-ler said, sitting down. "Welcome. Now, as you may know, Thneed Inc. is growing."

     He glanced at N, who gave a nod of encouragement.

     You can do this, she thought.

     The Once-ler had been rehearsing what he'd say all day. N could tell he was nervous. After all, the future of the company relied on the results of the meeting. If the investors decided not to fund the company, Once-ler wouldn't have the money that he needed to hire enough people to collect the tufts.

     N shuddered at the thought of what could happen. All she knew was that the Once-ler had to succeed.

     "Listen, I'll cut to the chase," said one of the potential investors, leaning forward against the desk. "Why should we invest in you?"

     The others nodded in agreement. The Once-ler stood up and brought the chart closer.

     "Secretary N, please join me up here," he said. All eyes turned on N, who just stood there for a second before walking over.

     "What are you doing?" she mouthed out.

     He ignored her and grabbed a pointer, pointing at the chart with it as N stood on the other side of the chart.

     "The Thneed is a fine something that all people need," Once-ler said. "As you can see from the numbers, the customers think so too. But there's just one problem. N, can you flip the chart?"

     N did as she was told, then stood there awkwardly as the Once-ler continued talking.

     "Ever since a rumor started that Thneed Inc. isn't very eco-friendly, there has been a slight drop in sales. So I decided to stop chopping down the trees and start hiring people to collect the tufts," he said, setting the pointer down. "But to do that, I'll need a lot more money. And that's where you, the investors, come in. If you fund us, then Thneed sales will skyrocket, resulting in your investment going a long way. So, gentlemen, what do you say?"

     The investors looked at each other before one of them stood up, holding out his hand.

     "You got a deal," the investor said.

     "Wait one moment! You're investing just like that?" asked another investor as the Once-ler and the first investor shook hands.

     "Well, he did make a very good point," N chimed in.

     "Exactly. A good point. I'm starting to think that it's his only point. Well, Once-ler, do you have any other points to make? Is the Thneed even as good as you say it is?"

     "Have you seen what the Thneed can do?" the first investor asked. "I think that's reason enough to invest."

     A few others murmured in a agreement, but the protesting investor just rolled his eyes and stood up.

     "Clearly, you all are happy about wasting your money," he said, walking to the door. "This young man has no place in business, but I'll let you find that out for yourselves. Goodbye."

     That investor left, leaving the room silent until N spoke.

     "Why did he even come here, am I right?" she blurted out. The investors stared at her and she just looked down at her shoes.

     "...Anyway, thank you all for staying," Once-ler said after clearing his throat. "I promise, your investment will go far."

     The meeting ended with most of the investors agreeing to fund the company. When they were all out the door, N turned to look at the Once-ler.

     "Why did you make me go up there?" she asked as she collected the charts.

     "Uh... Sorry, I guess I just wanted you there with me," Once-ler replied sheepishly. "I guess I got nervous..."

     "Well, I can't fault you for that," she said, turning. "I'll go put these up for now."

     "Wait! Are you doing anything later?"

     "No, why?" N asked.

     "I was thinking that maybe you and I could go out for dinner. You know, to celebrate."

     "Well, food does sound good... And we were interrupted on our last date... Sure," she replied, walking to the door. She paused and turned around, saying. "Hey, Once-ler, good job today. I'm really proud of you." 

     Before he could reply, she walked out the door. 

The Secretary {Once-ler x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now