Chapter 7

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"Great Sage? Good one!" The pig yokai replies, not believing what Liuer's saying is true. "No offense, but that chimp doesn't look like he's great at anything." He says, sounding pretty cocky. Sun Wukong stops dead in his tracks to look back at him with an angry look of his face.

If only looks could kill...

The pig yokai ends up chuckling nervously at this. "I mean, that's a good impression of Sun Wukong..." He starts off with. He then hands the fish over to Liuer, "Hold this for me. You go find some salt, okay?" The pig yokai tells him, laughing. "Hey, who do you think you are?!" Courtney tells out at the pig yokai, obviously angry.

The pig yokai just ignores her, walks over to Sun Wukong, and exclaims, sounding cocky again, "I'll prove that this 'Great Sage' is nothing but a great fake!" Liuer and Courtney then look over at them, just watching and waiting to see what'll happen next.

The pig yokai starts charging at Sun Wukong, only to have Sun Wukong's fingers go into his nostrils. Sun Wukong uses this advantage to send the pig yokai flying into a nearby tree.

As he's headed towards said tree, the pig yokai has a flashback to when he battled with Sun Wukong 500 years ago. "It is him!" The pig yokai thinks to himself. "You stinking fleabag!" The pig yokai tells out, trying to stand back up.

"You're the reason I came crashing down here in the first place!" The pig yokai continues, having trouble balancing himself back up. "Stuck in this body! For 500 years, with a pig snout on my face-!" He continues to ramble on, only to be interrupted by Sun Wukong. "Yeah, it's very good to hang onto." This offends the pig yokai, causing him to put a hand over his snout. Sun Wukong then jumps up onto the trees. The pig yokai looks over at where Sun Wukong was originally standing to where Liuer and Courtney were before exclaiming,

"Are you running away because you're scared?!" The pig yokai looks back over at Liuer and Courtney.

"He can't hear you..." Liuer starts simply, causing Courtney to chuckle slightly. "And don't you come back! Uh, you just got lucky!" The pig yokai shouts, crossing his arms.

"Oh wow. You're really scared of him." Courtney says with a smug look on her face. "No, I'm not! I-I'm giving him a head start, so, it would be fair, you know?" He replies, obviously lying.

"He's so far gone, I don't think you'll even find him now." Liuer tells him, picking up the carrier, to which Courtney puts the baby girl back into it. "What?! No way!" The pig yokai exclaims. He pauses before continuing, "I'll have you two know I led armies of thousands! I can transform into anything I want! And with this nose, I can track that stinking monkey for miles! He won't get away from me, no way!" Liuer and Courtney are obviously skeptical on if any of that is true or not.

"Watch and learn! I'll turn myself into a panther and hunt down that hair ball!" He says, before there's a puff of smoke.

It's revealed he turned himself into just a fat cat.

"Really?" Liuer and Courtney simply reply in unison.

"I'm a panther!" He exclaims, unaware he's just a cat. "Alright! Let's go follow that monkey!" Liuer exclaims enthusiastically, running off so he can catch up with Sun Wukong, Courtney right behind him.

"This way!" He says, gesturing over in the opposite direction. "Huh?" Liuer asks, turning to face him. "Uh, yeah.." The now 'panther' mumbles before running off. "Hold on!" Liuer calls out, both him and his sister start running behind him. "You're going the wrong way!" Courtney yells out, obviously annoyed. The little chase goes on for some time when the yokai made a sharp left turn, causing Liuer and Courtney to do the same. By the time they catch up to the yokai, he's out of breath, tired of running. "Oh, I feel something! I gotta go!" He exclaims, before doing his business. Liuer and Courtney obviously look away, only to see Sun Wukong not too far ahead of them.

"Oh, Great Sage!" Liuer yells out enthusiastically, running up to catch up to him, Courtney right behind him in doing so. They stop to turn back to the yokai, "He's over on then other side!" Liuer exclaims happily. "You actually found him!" Courtney exclaims happily. "He's right there!" Liuer exclaims, pulling the yokai by his tail, and over to Sun Wukong.

"Master Sun Wukong! Wait for us!" Liuer yells out, running to catch up to him, dragging the yokai behind him. "We almost lost you back there! Your friend, the panther, helped us find you." Liuer explains, but then notices he's not holding onto his tail anymore, so he turns around to see the yokai had disappeared. "But he was just here..." Courtney mumbles, but then shrugs it off. They just continued to walk behind Sun Wukong, when Liuer spoke up, "It sounded like he knew you. Is he a friend of yours? Great Sage, is he really a Buddha, or was he pretending? He seemed like a-"

"Wait, let me guess, a pig?" Sun Wukong questions. This causes Liuer and Courtney to chuckle. "Yeah."

"Now, believe me, a pig is better for him." Sun Wukong states simply.

"I gotta admit, it's pretty cool how he can transform." Liuer responds honestly. "Yeah." Courtney chimes in.

"He can't do it for very long. Only for a breath, then boom, back into a pig." Sun Wukong explains. Liuer and Courtney then turn around to see the pig yokai again. "There you are!" Liuer exclaims, getting Sun Wukong's attention. "Were you... following us this while time?" Courtney asks, sounding alittle creeped out. "We thought you ran away!" Liuer tells him.

Sun Wukong sighs before saying, "So, you came back here for more, huh?" He turns around to find the yokai had transformed into Liuer. He and Couentey are creeped out by this, where as Liuer is just surprised.

"That's not creepy at all..." Courtney says, sarcastically. Sun Wukong groans, "Great.. Two of them..."

"This is so neat! Another me!" Liuer exclaims, walking around his 'duplicate'. "Oh, your belly's bigger!" Liuer says, picking his belly. This causes the yokai to transform back into his usual form, he ends up hitting Liuer, sending him flying over to the edge of a cliff.

"Liuer, are you okay?!" Courtney cries out to her brother, hoping he's okay.

"That was so cool! Do it again!" Liuer exclaims. "Uh, I don't think so!" Courtney exclaims, not sounding very happy. That's when they all hears a rumbling noise coming from the bottom of the cliff...

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