Chapter 9

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After traveling all day Liuer spotted something down a hill. "Look, there's a building over there!" He cries out.

Then, he and Zhu Baije start running down the hill, hoping they've found a place for them all to stay for the night, leaving Courtney and Sun Wukong.

Courtney turns to see Sun Wukong eating at a peach. Before she could say anything, Liuer calls out to the both of them, "Courtney, Great Sage, what are you waiting for?!" This causes them to go catch up to Liuer and Zhu Baije at the bottom of the hill.

"Come on, don't let Piggy beat you!"

Turns out those Moutain Trolls that had been turned human were there, most likely to get the baby girl they 'need'. As the 'woman' was practicing what to say for when they all entered Zhu Baije breaks down the door, really needing to find a bathroom.

"Hello?" Liuer asks to no one in particular. "Its really quiet in here. I wonder if anyone is home..." Courtney says, hoping they're not intruding. "It looks like an Inn.." Liuer comments.

"Then why isn't anyone here?" Courtney asks. "I'm right-" The woman tries getting out attention, but she gets crushed under the door again by Sun Wukong, who hasn't noticed her either. He then jumps up the railing of the second floor with a a tea pot.

Zhu Baije then notices what looks to be peppers. "Are those carrots?" He asks, to no one in particular, before running over to them. Liuer then takes the carrier off so he and Courtney could check on the baby girl, but then they hear a noise in another room. "What was that?" Liuer asks, before checking to see what it was. It turns out it was another person.

"Hello, we would like to stay at your Inn- The four of us and our baby. Is that okay?" Liuer asks, looking up at the man.

The man just tells him, "I can't talk.." "But you just did.. You said..." Liuer says, looking up at his sister, who's just as confused as he is. The woman then comes out from underneath the door over to Liuer.

"Oh, you're just too cute!" She says to Liuer before kneeling down to his height. "It was just a joke. That being said, he's not very smart." She states, before leading Liuer over to somewhere else nearby.

Immediately, Courtney had a bad feeling about these two, but doesn't say anything, so she just joins her brother, keeping an eye on him and the woman. "If I may ask, where are you and your friends headed?" She asks, leading him over to a table.

"We're headed to the Capital." Liuer tells her. She then notices the baby girl. "Aww, what a cute little baby girl." She says, but this causes the baby girl to start crying.

Courtney's motherly instincts make her pick her up and try to calm her down. She laughs nervously before turning to the man from earlier and says to him harshly, "Go get tea!" He then does as he's told.

She then sits down next to Liuer and says, "Now, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. They've closed the roads to the Capital." She tries explaining to him, though it seems evident to Courtney and Sun Wukong that she was lying. That's when Sun Wukong jumped back down from the second floor. "There's no way you could get there." She finishes, then notices Sun Wukong.

Then, Zhu Baije starts running around before yelling, "They're not carrots!" Before trying to cool his mouth down.

The woman then screamed, running towards the man from earlier yelling, "It's a monster!" Over an over again, causing the man to do the same.

"Its okay, don't be afraid!" Liuer tells them, hoping they'd calm down. "They're not monsters." Courtney explains to them. "But they're not people." The woman responds with. "So?" Courtney questions. "That doesn't mean they're monsters." Liuer and Courtney say in unison.

"I'm pretty sure the monkey's a monster!" Zhu Baije says jokingly. "Quiet, Porkchop!" Sun Wukong replies with. Courtney chuckles at this, a light blush on her face, before turning back to her brother so neither one of them would notice.

"Don't worry, we'll stay out of your way. We'll only stay one night and we'll be leaving first thing in the morning." Liuer explains. "You promise?" The woman asks, still sounding scared. "Uh-huh." Liuer just tells her.

She's hesitant, but says, "Alright then, uh, follow me, please." Then leads all of them up to their room. Sun Wukong then throws the tea pot he had been holding to Zhu Baije, who didn't catch it, accidentally let it crash onto the floor.

"T-That's okay.." The woman says, before continuing to lead the way.

"Now if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask, okay?" She tells them, lighting a candle and looking over at Liuer as he walked in.

"Huh? Sure!" Liuer says, running into the room. She then looks over at the baby girl, who was still being held by Courtney, causing the baby girl to cry again. Courtney glares at her before Sun Wukong walked up in front of Courtney and the baby to do the same.

"I'll leave you alone now." She says, backing up into Zhu Baije. "If you need me, I'll be right outside your door." She finishes, walking around him and down the ladder she originally came up. She then bumps into the man she was with. "Why are you standing there?! Get to work!" She yells at him.

The baby girl was still crying, obviously still upset."What's wrong with her? Why is she crying?" Zhu Baije asks, coming into the room.

"Guuci-goo, don't cry, night-night!" Liuer says to the baby, hoping that would help, even just a little. Zhu Baije tries pulling funny faces, making her cry even more. Courtney tries rocking her back and forth, which seems to help alittle, but then Liuer thinks to give her the Sun Wukong doll he still had with him.

"Oh, yeah! Look! I have my very own Great Sage too!" Liuer tells her holding up the doll. "Would you like it?" He asks, handing it to her.

"With him to protect you, you won't need to be afraid of anything." Courtney finishes for her brother. The baby girl happily takes the doll. With that, her and Liuer start getting sleepy. Though, apparently the man from earlier was peeking in on them.

What gave away where he was, was a fly flying around him. To stop the fly from buzzing, Sun Wukong spits out the seed from the peach he was eating at it, hitting the man in the face, causing him to fall down the ladder.

Before Liuer or Courtney could say anything about the noise, Sun Wukong just whispered to them, "Time for bed." Before blowing the candle out.

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