Chapter 11

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By this time in the night, everyone, including Sun Wukong were asleep.

Well, not Zhu Baije. He snuck out of the room to get himself a midnight snack.

He wanders into what looks to be the pantry to find himself something. As he tries to get something, the man supposedly running the Inn tries sneaking up behind Zhu Baije with a rake, most likely to hit him and knock him out.

Zhu Baije then notices the lady supposedly running the Inn in the window outside and freaks out, causing him to bump into and knock out the man behind him. The lady hears the commotion inside and opens the door. At first, there's nothing. That is, until she sees Zhu Baije disguised as the man she was with. She didn't notice it wasn't really Zhu Baije in disguise.

"What are you doing here?" She asks him, closing the door, sounding different then then she sounded earlier. Zhu Baije then notices the real man wasn't hid anymore and gets a little worried. "What's wrong with you?" The lady asks him, obviously not noticing this. She pauses, looking at him, before asking, "Oh, you were trying to steal food again, weren't you?" Zhu Baije just nods in response.

"No food til we finish the job" She states bluntly, walking off. Zhu Baije looks back over at the man knocked out. "Hurry up!" She yells at him. Zhu Baije just covers the real body as she turned around. "This is no time to be fooling around." She says, before dragging the real body behind her.

"You know..." She starts off saying, sitting a top the table, Zhu Baije putting the real man's body under said table they were at. "There's something I find strange." The lady says, turning to look at Zhu Baije.

"Why was it necessary to transform us?" She asks, turning so her body was facing Zhu Baije. "It takes energy to look like this." She says, before making her arm look like her usual mountain troll arm, causing Zhu Baije to gasp slightly. "I find it annoying. I don't like this look." She looks back over at Zhu Baije, who looked kinda disgusted. "Well, answer me." Zhu Baije just nods again in response.

"If it were up to me, I'd go up there right now and smash those kids!" She exclaims, hitting the table. Zhu Baije ends up trying to run out of the room, probably about to transform back any minute now. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" She asks, running up behind him and grabbing him by his ear. "Do not go up there right now! This is really for your own good!" She tries explaining. Zhu Baije tries running away again, only for her to grab him again. "Listen, if you ruin this for me and you, the Evil Lord will have our hides!" She exclaims, pleading. Zhu Baije tries running away yet again.

"Hey, what it wrong with you?!" That's when Zhu Baije transformed back to his normal form, catching the disguised mountain troll off guard.

"It was you! You'll pay for this!" She yells out, before charging at him. Zhu Baije runs away, when the woman gets kicked in the face out of no where by Sun Wukong. "Well, I had a feeling the service here was gonna be terrible." Sun Wukong retorts sarcastically. As he walks over to where he kicked the woman, he notices a shadow. He looks up to see the Evil Lord. Then, he looks around to see more mountain trolls. The noise must've woke up Liuer and Courtney, because they walked out of the room to see what was going on, to find it was the mountain trolls.

"Get back!" Sun Wukong yells out to them. Liuer and Courtney run back into the room, only for the mountain trolls to run towards their location.

Sun Wukong, of course, stops them from doing so and starts fighting them off, with some "help" from Zhu Baije.

While all of this is going on, the woman/disguised mountain troll climbs up one of the pillars to get to the second floor.

Liuer and Courtney are holding their door closed when they see the baby girl was still asleep. Liuer picks her up to see if she was okay.

"You aren't planning on leaving, are you?" The woman says, having opened the door. She had red beading eyes, like a mountain troll. She then charges at them, causing Liuer to go under the table in their room with the baby girl and Courtney stepping in front if them, to protect her brother and the baby. Courtney then ends up trying to fight off the woman so Liuer and the baby could get out of there.

Sun Wukong manages to hear this and starts heading towards the room, still fighting off the mouatin trolls.

Realizing her may not make it to the room in time, he launches Zhu Baije towards the room exclaiming, "Save the kids!"

Liuer manages to run out of the room with the baby, when the woman begins chasing him again. Before Courtney could do anything, Zhu Baije had bumped into the woman, causing her to fly and hit the wall. 

They all look to Sun Wukong, who was still fighting off the mountain trolls. Sun Wukong sees them and yells out, "Run!" Before getting lunged at by one of the mountain trolls, causing the rest to do the same. "Don't wait on me!" Sun Wukong yells out to them. "Great Sage!" Liuer and Courtney cry out to him, wanting to somehow help. That's when some of the other mountain trolls climb up to the second floor to get to them. Liuer then notices a hole in the wall and checks to see if they could escape that way. Noticing the mountain trolls getting closer, Zhu Baije pushes Liuer, Courtney, and himself out of the Inn to get to safety.

"We got to go!" Zhu Baije exclaims, leading Liuer and Courtney away.

Courtney pauses to look back, hoping Sun Wukong is okay.

Back inside, Sun Wukong manages to get the mountain trolls off of him and fights them off again. As the Inn begins to collapse, Liuer, Courtney, and Zhu Baije turn to see Sun Wukong coming towards them. "Great Sage! We're over here! Hurry!" Liuer cries out to him, none of them noticing the Evil Lord was still there, watching them.

The Evil Lord uses his magic to make his presence known again. Sun Wukong then leads them all to a nearby boat. "Hurry!" He cries out to them as they run towards the boat, noticing a stone mountain trolls chasing them. He grabs what looks to be a staff and lunges himself over for he mountain trolls, to have the thing on his wrist to start acting up, but fights off the stone mountain trolls regardless.

Soon, more of them surround the group. Sun Wukong continues to fight the mountain trolls off so the others could get to the boat. As they got to the boat, they notice more mountain trolls heading their way, so Liuer hands the baby girl over to Zhu Baije, then he and Courtney fight off the mountain trolls.

Sun Wukong then lunges himself back over to the boat, still fighting off some of the mountain trolls. When he stopped, he and the others notice the thing on his wrist caught fire.  "Are you okay?" Liuer and Courtney ask, sounding worried. Sun Wukong notices this, but looks back at the mountain trolls.

"Great Sage! Look!" Liuer says, pointing over at something in the distance, causing everyone to look over. Sun Wukong then notices a ball of magic/light flying towards them, then said ball of magic/light hits the boat, causing everyone to fall to the ground.

This was when the Evil Lord decided to board the boat and take the baby girl.

"No..." Liuer mumbles, reaching out for the baby.

"Leave her alone!" Courtney pleads, also reaching out for the baby girl.

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