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I stepped into my room with Annabelle close on my heels. I extended my arm outwards towards my closet, like a magician unveiling his final act.

"It's in my closet."

"Your magic closet?" Annabelle asked.

"Yes, my magic closet." I confirmed. This was one of the many reasons why I loved my sister. I had mentioned that she's one of my favorite people in the whole house. She accepted that my closet was magical, just because I had told her it was. There are very few people in your life that will give you that kind of love and respect.

Annabelle slowly opened the magic closet's door. Inside, my little alien friend sat, propped up on the wooden box that held my magic wand. Annabelle let out a shriek that was equal parts delighted and scared. I gasped as well, but not from fear; in my little alien friend's hand was the wand itself, which was supposed to be in its box that my alien was now so casually using as a chair. It was inspecting the wand, rolling it around between its fingers.

"What are you doing?" I asked, alarmed that he had somehow figured out the combination.

Had I known I would be writing this book in the future, I may have thought that he traveled in time and read "chapter one" where I gave away the combination, then traveled back to this day and opened the lock. But I know now that there was another way in which he was able to open this. One that is harder to explain, but I'll get to it in a second.

"Put that down," I said. My Little Alien Friend looked quizzically at the wand and held it up in the air.

"Put that down!" I repeated, increasing the urgency in my voice. "It could be dangerous!"

My alien friend put it back in the box, looking around the room quizzically. It had pulled out a few of my magic tricks; cups, dice, and handkerchiefs.

I know I said my wand wasn't from one of those magic sets, and it wasn't, but I had plenty of those sets lying around. My alien friend had apparently gotten into most of them.

"You like magic?" I asked.

"Wait a minute," Annabelle said. "What is this thing?"

"Oh!" I said, completely having forgotten that I had brought my sister in to introduce her to my little alien friend. "This is my little alien friend."

"An alien?!?!" she exclaimed, looking at the little alien closely, intently, getting down on her knees and squinting her eyes, as if squinting her eyes would somehow make it seem clearer.

"Is it real?" she asked. "Did you make it?"

"Make it?" I repeated. "How could I make a little alien?"

"It's real." she said again, this time more as a statement than a question. She reached out her finger to poke it, but my little alien friend batted her finger away before she could.

"Does it have a name?" she asked.

"Not yet," I replied. She turned to the alien, and gave a little wave.

"I'm Annabelle," she said, "It's nice to meet you.'

"So..." I too turned back to the little alien. "Do you like magic?"

Thelittle alien looked down at the many tricks laid out in front of it.

"Schteeve?" he asked.

"Your word for magic is 'Steve'?" I asked, very unimpressed.

"I think he said Schteeve," Andrew repeated.


The alien nodded, confirming with another "Schteeve." I picked up two cups and ran quickly to the bathroom to fill one with water. I showed the alien the two cups, poured one cup into the other, and tilted the cup that had received the water over. Not a drop came out.

Danny Flash and the Alien CrashWhere stories live. Discover now