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Mr. Not-So-Nice lunged at me again.  This time he hit me squarely in the chest, his head burrowing in below my chin.  I fell backwards and landed with a thud, but not quite as hard as I would have expected.  It took me a moment to realize this was because Andrew broke my fall.  I kicked Mr. Not-So-Nice in the stomach and pushed him off of me.  It was easier to slide out from under him as he didn't know quite how my body was positioned.  He grasped and reached, trying to figure out exactly what he had hit.

"I got you now," he said.  He stood up, wailing his arms around, trying to either hit me or catch me.  If I wasn't fearing for my life, the sight of him moving around would have been quite humorous.  Almost like he was dancing some crazy dance.  I whispered to Andrew, "Follow me."  We slid slowly to the right, away from the men.

Mr. Not-So-Nice scooped up another handful of dirt and threw it into the wind.  It blew back at him, tiny pebbles peppering his face and chest.  As we backed up, Andrew stepped on a twig.


The twig snapped in two, dry and brittle from being out in the sun far too long.  Mr. Not-So-Nice spun towards us, an evil grin taking over the lower half of his face.  He started walking slowly towards us, arms no longer swinging, just moving with purpose.  My little alien friend looked up at me.

"Wha-sicky," it said.

"What?!" I whispered back, careful not to raise my voice for fear that Mr. Not-So-Nice would pinpoint my exact location.  My little alien friend rolled his hands together, as if it was holding a small golf ball, but nothing was there.

I looked up at Mr. Not-So-Nice who was making ground, heading towards us, starting to have a slight pick up in his step.

"We need to move," Andrew said.

"I know," I whispered, "But where?"

We were pinned up against the barbed wire fence.  There weren't very many options.  We could lift the barbed wire fence to try to get under, but then he would see the exact spot in which we were moving.  We started to shuffle a little to the left, trying not to kick up any more dirt or snap any more twigs.

"Wha-sicky," the alien said again, but this time not to me. It whispered it as it stared at its hands, making the same concentric circles, until suddenly a tiny blue ball of energy started to appear.  My alien friend opened its hands and the ball started to float up.  My alien friend moved its hand away from its body, directing the ball without touching it.  It floated towards me, eye level.  Suddenly, I was no longer aware or concerned about Mr. Not-So-Nice heading towards me, or of the situation I was in.  I was just drawn in to this magical blue floating energy ball.

It started to spin around me.

"What's he doing?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know," I answered back, unsure of if I should move, for fear that the ball might hit me in the head and knock me out.

"We need to move now," Andrew said.  Mr Not-So-Nice was just a few feet from us at this point.  Mr Not-So-Nice outstretched his arms heading towards me, the ball spinning faster and faster around my head.  I looked at my little alien friend.  What was his plan?  He starred back at me, as if he was waiting for me to do something, but what?

"Wha-sicky!" I said.  The ball stopped, right in front of my face.

My little alien friend jumped from my arms flying towards Mr. Not-So-Nice.  He flew out of the cloak of invisibility, straight into the real world, where Mr. Not-So-Nice suddenly got a giant shock, as my tiny green alien friend went flying towards his head.  My alien landed on his face, its suction cup fingers attaching quickly to his cheek.  My alien friend tried to hit him in the chin and the cheek, but he was not strong enough.  Mr. Not-So-Nice grabbed my alien friend and pulled his body off of him.  He held it out at arm's length.

"Got you!" he said.

"No!" I heard Annabelle's voice scream out.  I turned and saw her, still being held by one of the guards, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she looked on at our little alien friend, seeing that he was now captured as well.

My eyes scanned the crowd for help and I landed on Penny Primrose, who was staring my way, but I knew not seeing me.  She was however seeing my little alien friend and Mr. Not-So-Nice having just had their fight.  She was seeing my little alien friend!  We'd have something to talk about!

Suddenly the magic ball flew towards my face and I blacked out.

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