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I planted my feet firmly on the ground and scanned the guards that were standing between the exit and us.  I looked for the largest one, planning to fight him first.  I was starting to get good at this.

My eyes settled on a burly man, about 6' 3".  His bicep was about as big as my head, but I had magic and so I didn't care.  I dug my heels into the ground, thinking about what magic I should be conjuring.  As I was about to settle on trying to levitate his body, flying it around the room like the backpack and making him knock down some of the other guards, I heard a booming voice come from behind me.

"What is going on here?" I recognized the voice.  First it sent a chill down my spine, but this was not Mr. Not-So-Nice speaking, this was the stern voice of my father.  I turned around and saw my mom and my dad.  The chill in my spine disappeared and I felt a warm glow in my heart.

I ran to my mom and dad and gave them a giant hug.

"Danny?" my mom asked, unsure of why she was seeing me in this strange place, with all these guards intent on not letting me leave.

"Why are we here, son?  Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Dad."

"I don't remember... anything."

"But you remember who I am, right?" I asked.

"Yes, of course, Danny."  My mother knelt down and squeezed my shoulder, assuringly.  "I can remember we were outside having iced tea..."

"Uh huh," I said, prompting her to say more.

"But, then--"

"Do you remember about your 1930s wooden collectible figurines?" I asked, turning once more to my father. 

"What about them?" he asked.

"Nothing," I shot back quickly.  "We'll talk about that later. Right now..." I turned back towards the guards blocking our way, as my thought trailed off to the spectacle before us.  They shuffled about, unsure of how to respond to these civilians standing before them.

"What is wrong with you people?" My father boomed, his voice as solid as an oak tree.  I wasn't use to hearing him scold other people, let alone grown men.  He took a few steps forward.  "These are children.  How dare you."

"We're just following orders," the burly man said, starting to look a bit unsure of himself.

"Following orders from who," I asked.  "Him?" I pointed to the broken shards of the door.  The guards turned and looked down the hallway beyond it and saw Mr. Not-So-Nice sprawled across the ground.  The burly man nodded.

"I don't think you need to follow his orders anymore," I said.  "He's going to be going to his own facility."  Slowly the men started to step aside.

"Magic," my little alien friend said.

"No," I responded, "Logic."  I looked over at Penny and Andrew, who each gave me a smile.  Penny even threw in a wink, as we walked through the guards and out into the clearing.

Danny Flash and the Alien CrashWhere stories live. Discover now