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Andrew, Penny and I did most of the heavy lifting, bringing the spaceships out of the back of the room and lining them up in the hallway. Annabelle did a lot of talking.

"Put that one down over here," she'd say, acting like she was the boss.  Normally this kind of thing would have annoyed me, but I was so happy to have Annabelle back safely next to me, that I couldn't help but smile and follow her directions. 

"You're doing a really good job," Annabelle said as we placed the fifth and final spaceship down next to the semi-straight line of spaceships now lining one wall of the hallway.  I realized that even at her most bossy, Annabelle managed to work in a compliment here and there.  I made a mental note to be nicer to my sister in the future. 

As we took a step back and looked at our handiwork, it became clear that the five spaceships we'd lined up was not nearly enough to hold the many aliens that stood behind us, staring at the five shiny ships and coming to THE EXACT SAME CONCLUSION.  My little alien friend scrambled up my leg, up my shirt and onto my shoulder.  He perched there and looked into the room we had just carried all of those spaceships out of.  He pointed a suction cup finger into the air.

"Oz, Kneel, Kilm, Sip..." He seemed to be counting, or naming pieces of the ship that were scattered about the room.  I hadn't given it much thought before, but as I followed his gaze and tried to assemble what his thought process might be, I realized that much of the junk scattered around the room were spaceships in some form of disarray.  Parts scattered about like they were in an automobile chop shop.

"Skrimm Kneel Tee," my little alien friend said, and some of the parts started to shake.

"Skrimm Kneel Tee," he said again louder and a few parts shot across the room connecting themselves to one another.  A few other aliens scramble up my leg and onto my shirt, perched on my shoulders and on my head.

"Skrimm Kneel Tee," they all said in unison.

"Ah, guys," I said, buckling under their weight, but they ignored me as more and more pieces started flying around the room, connecting with other pieces, and forming the outlines of several more ships. Suddenly more aliens climbed up onto Andrew, scrambling up his pants, and onto his shirt, and onto his head.

"Skrimm Kneel Tee," they said, and then more climbing up Penny.

"Skrimm Kneel Tee." And more onto Annabelle.

"Skrimm Kneel Tee."

We all stood there, with aliens perched about our shoulders and heads, like parrots on a pirate.

"Wow," I said, as the aliens scurried back down our backs and onto the floor.

"I guess we gotta' lift a few more ships."

Danny Flash and the Alien CrashWhere stories live. Discover now