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Penny Primrose's face was round, and smooth, and beautiful.  Her green eyes had depth to them, like whirlpools in the ocean.  Her lips looked as sweet as grapes, and her breath was warm and calming.  It's odd, I thought to myself, that I could feel her breath in a dream.

"Danny, are you okay?" Penny Primrose whispered to me.  I shivered just hearing her say my name.  I'd had other dreams with Penny Primrose in them before, but usually she was just walking down the hallway, doing the things that she would normally do at school and I was an outsider watching them, even in my dreams.  But this dream, she was so close and she looks concerned, and she was talking right to me.

I heard a rustle to the side and turned my head slightly to see Andrew, also crouched down looking concerned.  This is a very odd dream, I thought

Andrew snorted.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I said, this time, most certainly out loud.

Penny furrowed her brow looking more concerned.

"This isn't a dream," Penny said.

"People in dreams always say that," I said, not really sure if that was true. 

"I know it's a dream, cause you're Penny Primrose."

"And you're Danny Flash," she said.

"Exactly," I said, confident that she got my point.

"Dude," Andrew said, "This is not a dream. That is Penny Primrose and she is talking to you so sit up."

Suddenly it was like a shot of adrenaline.  My eyes shot open.  I remembered where I was.  If this wasn't a dream, then--.

I looked over to the gate where Annabelle once stood. It was now barricaded; closed.  A few townspeople still milled about but mostly people had cleared out.

Where's Annabelle," I asked Andrew, "And--" I stopped myself, looking at Penny.

"They brought them inside," Andrew said.

"Are they okay," I managed to get out.

I don't know," Andrew stammered. "I think so."

"Annabelle looked pretty upset," Penny said. "What's going on?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," I said.

"Well, tell me and see if I believe you," Penny shot back.  She folded her arms.  There was the Penny I remembered.

"How are we gonna' get in there," Andrew asked, looking to me as if I had all the answers.  I wish I did, especially in front of Penny Primrose, but I didn't.  My eyes darted back to the closed gate, still manned with armed guards, waiting for someone to challenge their power.

I said what was probably the most uncool thing you could say in front of the girl that you liked, but it was the truth.

"We need to go tell my mom and dad," I said.

Penny just nodded and so did Andrew, and so we turned and ran towards my house.

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