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I winced as the soft glow of magic emanated from the little alien's hands. This was not my little alien doing magic on this man that I was sure meant us harm, and therefore I didn't know what to expect. I knew I probably shouldn't assume that just because I had made a bond with my little alien that that meant that all of these aliens were trustworthy and my friends. Andrew put his hands in front of his face, one eye peeking out between his pinky and ring finger. Penny looked down at the ground, as if not wanting to see the results of what was about to happen. I couldn't help but stare at the guard, who to my surprise began shrinking. He shrunk down to about the size of the alien that was doing the magic.

"What are you doing to me?" he said, his voice becoming shrill and high-pitched as his body shrunk smaller. The rest of the aliens lifted their arms. This time the rest of the guards took a step back, not forward.

"Showl-Nini," the aliens said in unison, and as if one guard shrinking wasn't crazy enough, all of the guards began shrinking! Penny looked up, and as she looked up the guards started to float into the air as if they were light as helium. I looked over at the aliens. They were moving their arms up, seemingly controlling where the guards were now. As they moved their arms to the left, the guards floated slowly to the left. I watched as each of the guards floated onto a pedestal, the aliens had previously been on, and each of the plexi-glass cages fused back together, encapsulating the guards in the plastic prison the aliens had been in just a moment before.

"Whoa," I said under my breath. When it was all said and done the guards kicked and screamed, hitting the plexi-glass and yelling with their tiny, high voices.

"Get us out of here," they pleaded.

"I'm sorry," I said to them. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Penny stepped up next to me.

"Why are you apologizing?" she asked. "They're out to get us remember? We're not out to get them. Come on. Let's get these aliens home."

I turned my attention back to Annabelle who ran towards me and jumped into my arms, giving me what was probably the biggest hug she'd ever given her older brother, and she'd given me a lot of hugs.

"Thank you, Danny," she said, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Where's mom and dad?" she asked, looking up at me as I put her down on the ground.

"They're here," I said, "but Annabelle, they--" Penny placed her arm on my shoulder, stopping my train of thought.

"They're in another room, Annabelle. The guards took them, but I'm sure they're fine." Penny said, softening the blow.

"Okay," Annabelle said.

"Well then, the way I see it, we've gotta' get these aliens to their spaceships so that they can get back to their home planet, we gotta' get mom and dad so that we can get back home, and then Penny and Andrew you guys can come over if you want." Penny broke into a smile. She glanced at me.

"I'd like that, yeah." Penny said.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "Okay. It's a play date."

We turned and ran out of the room, down the hallway, checking doors as we went, until we came upon a thick metal door, where instead of a handle, there was a giant wheel that spun like an air lock on a ship. It took all of us putting our weight into it to turn the giant handle and open the door. We pushed it open with a loud creak. Inside were metal parts, electrical wires, and in the back I could see a few spaceships.

Danny Flash and the Alien CrashWhere stories live. Discover now