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For the brief moment that I was immersed in darkness I realized that my hair was standing on edge and my skin was tingling as if electricity had just shot through my body.  A moment later I realized why, as a giant surge of electricity shot out from my little alien friend, straight into Mr. Not-So-Nice.

It was as if he had sucked all the electricity from the room.  All of those motion controlled lights that had activated just moments before had gone dark, the electricity flowing straight into my little alien friend's body, and then out as directed by the alien, towards Mr Not-So-Nice, in what looked like magic, but was in fact electricity shooting through the air knocking Mr. Not-So-Nice to his feet.  His ball of energy dissipated into the air, narrowly missing Andrew.  I exhaled a breath I did not realize I was even holding, as the light slowly flickered back on.

I got up and ran over to Andrew.  Andrew checked himself making sure there were no missing parts.  He used his sweaty palm to slick back his hair.

"Boy am I glad that went the way it did," Andrew said.  He turned looking down at Mr. Not-So-Nice.  "Although I'm sure he's not.  What should we do?" Andrew asked, looking up at me.

The Blue Energy that had been binding his and Penny's arms a moment before, dissipated into nothing, as Mr. Not-So-Nice's mind fell into what must have been a deep sleep.  We looked at him, and checked his breathing.  He was still alive but knocked out like he'd just been in a fist fight. Penny shook her hands, finally free of the magic spell that had bound them just a moment before.  Andrew ran his sweaty palms through his hair again, slicking it back in the middle, while it still poofed out on the side.

"What should we do?" Andrew repeated, echoing the lone thought that was bouncing around his head.

"We've got to find Annabelle," I said, doing my best to take control of the situation.

"Hi, Danny." I heard, coming from further down the room.  I spun around thinking that my mind, or my ears, were playing tricks on me, but there, towards the end of the long row of alien cases, was Annabelle, behind some plexi-glass, staring back at me.

"Hey, Sis," I said.  My alien friend stood up, and brushed itself off.  It lifted its arms up and just like that all of the cases that were holding all of its many alien friends, lifted as well.  The aliens jumped to the ground and crowded around my alien in a defensive stance.  They looked at us warily, putting their arms up, some of them sneered showing their sharp teeth.

"Matskoll Zoo Bowl," my little alien friend said.  "Hom zeeme, Tollup Zululu Kahla Zibi."  The aliens calmed themselves, put their arms to their side and seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

"Friend," my alien said, looking up at me.

"Friend," I said back.

My alien turned towards the plexi-glass that held Annabelle and walked over with determination.  It placed its hand on the plexi-glass, as Annabelle took a step back, unsure of what was about to happen.

"Shatter," my alien said, and the plexi-glass fell, just as I had done a moment before.

My alien friend looked over at me and winked.

"You're getting good at English," I said.  My alien gave me a confused nod, and walked back to the rest of the aliens.

"There's so many of you," I said, but I didn't think they knew what I meant.  "How are we going to get you all back home to your planet?"  Before we could come to a conclusion, the door opened again and the room filled with guards.  They looked down at Mr. Not-So-Nice, looked at all the aliens out of their cages and finally looked at us, the kids that had come and caused all this mayhem.

"Hold up, now," one of them said.  "Easy does it."  He took a small step forward, but before he could form another thought one of the aliens lifted their arm and said, "Showl Nini."

Danny Flash and the Alien CrashWhere stories live. Discover now