Chapter 4

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She stood in the middle of what was once the living room. The impossible became possible the apartment was now completely empty. The moving truck just left with all her belongings. She made a last tour of all the rooms. Why it happened? I asked for nothing from anyone! Her little world turned upside down and now it didn’t inspire her. During the past sixteen years, she was an only child with minor rules. Now, she happened to be the eldest of three children. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths before heading towards the door. She left the room without looking back one last time. She descended to join Lisa who was waiting on the sidewalk. The concierge was with her. The young girl approached him to give him back the keys. Lisa motioned her to get inside the vehicle.

“We’re joining Mario and the kids to the other house.”

Anika said nothing. She barely remembered her uncle. For what was of his cousins, she preferred not to remember them. She had no intention of being their babysitter! They weren’t much younger than her, but still. She had seen her friends do it and she had always felt lucky to be an only child.

“Danielle flew early this morning,” Lisa said, cutting the thread of her thoughts. “She should call you when she land.”

“Where did she go?”

“Toronto, I think. Tomorrow I’ll start procedures to subscribe you to your new school for September.”


Lisa sighed deeply, still looking on the road passing in front of them.

“You still could make a little effort to keep the conversation going.”

“I don’t really want to discuss.”

“We still need to get to know each other. Legally, you’ll become my adopted daughter. I want to know things about you.”

“There is not much to know.”

“Do you love movies?”

Why does she refuse to understand? Having a discussion doesn’t interest me. I’m just tired. A little silence, please! But her aunt didn’t let her alone. She began to bombard her with questions she answered mechanically. What she liked to do, her passions and hobbies, what kind of music she listened. All this chatter was unimportant. She let her do all the talk, hoping it ends soon. How many hours until Clairmont? The road seemed already very long! Lisa began to ask her questions she answered herself. She was able to make a conversation alone! Anika ignored this hidden talent.

“Is it possible to put some music?”

“Oh!” Lisa cried. “Of course! Do you have something particular in mind?”

“I don’t. only background noise.”

Lisa gave her a broad smile that frightened the girl. It was a few days now – since her last outburst of tears, in fact – that her aunt was nice to her. Should she be suspicious? She hoped it wasn’t pity. She reached out to turn on the radio. It was still enough to silence Lisa for a short time.

“You’ll love Clairmont!” she finally said to break the silence. “This is a very quiet town.”


“And you’ll be able to make new friends. This is a good thing to meet new people. Doesn’t it?”

Anika turned to her.

“Are you trying to convince me?”

“In a way… Does it work?”

“Not really.”

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