Chapter 10

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A cold wave swept suddenly over her. Had he seen her? Probably because she felt his gaze on her. Is he going to keep his promise? Kevin noticed her change in attitude. He asked her what was going on. She opened her mouth, but she was unable to utter a word. And she couldn’t look away. Kevin put a hand on hers, which had the effect of bringing her back to reality. She looked up at him.

“He’s here.”

He frowned.


“The guy who pushed me into the forest. He’s here…”

“Really? Where?”

He tried discreetly to turn to see who she was talking about. The young girl threw a glance over his shoulder, but she couldn’t see the guy with the hood. She stood up, pushing him slightly to the side to scan the guests who were in the room. He was no longer there. She struggled not to panic, but she wanted to know where he was. Had he simply left the party and was waiting for her somewhere? Would he come back? She suddenly had the feeling that something was compressing her chest. She felt like choking. She was about to walk away when he took her hand and she turned to him.

“Is everything all right?” he asked.

She shook her head, trying to reassure him. She even managed to smile at him, but he didn’t seem convinced. And he was still holding her hand, preventing her from leaving. She wanted to look normal, even if she was eager to know if he had seen him.

“Where is the guy?”

She bit her lower lip. He hadn’t seen him. Will she get the same answer if she asked the question to the guests? She pretended to be very tired before adding the promise she made to her aunt. He paused to let her go. She promised to texting him later. He nodded, releasing her hand. She quickly got away, casting anxious glances around her. Was he waiting somewhere, lurking in the bushes? She massaged her neck as she walked towards the exit. From the corner of her eye, she could see Cassandra overjoyed to see her go away. But the young girl had something else in mind. She didn’t care to know another girl coveted Kevin. She now began to fear the hooded guy. She felt paranoid and she was scared. She had caused this. What would happen now? Involuntarily, she began to run. When she arrived at the house, she saw him. He stood before the house, his hood still covering his face. She fled to the rear of the house. She could feel his presence. A hand grabbed her neck and threw her into the pool. She heavily fell into the water, gasping. She struggled to get to the surface. She managed to breathe before being plunged under water again. She tried again to return to the air, but a hand hastened to push her. Since she didn’t really breathe, she was in dire need for air. She struggled to free herself. The grip was pretty solid. She knocked and scratched the best she could. The more she struggled, the deeper she went.

She managed to make him let go and rose to the surface at the same time as the light from the backyard was lit. Hair before her eyes, she coughed, swimming to the edge of the pool. A voice asked her what she was doing there. She recognized Mario’s voice, who was holding out his hand to help her out. She refused his help, climbing alone. Her lungs were on fire.

“Can you tell me what are you doing here?” Mario exclaimed loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

The young girl managed to get on her knees. She sat up with difficulty, catching her breath as best she could. Her uncle returned to the house to take a towel. He handed her the towel with a nonchalant gesture. She pushed her hair and could see the light of the entry hall opened. Shortly after, Lisa stood before the glass door. Martin then came to join them, rubbing his eyes. His mother turned to him and ordered him to go back to sleep. He asked her what was happening, but no one wanted to answer. On a much more abrupt voice, his father sent him to his room. This time, the boy did no objection. He hastened to turn around to go back to his room.

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