When I woke up, there was somebody sitting next to the bed, their head on the bed "What the hell?" I whispered, moving the hair away to reveal Chanyeol. His eyes were puffy, his nose was red and I could still see some tears "Chanyeol?" I shook him lightly, frowning "Chan? Wake up." I hit his arm, causing him to wake up just a little "Wake up." "Katherine." He threw his arms around me, crying into my shoulder "I'm sorry Kat, I didn't mean what I said." I sat there in shock, looking down at him "Ch-Chan?" "I'm so sorry." "Look at me, baby." He did, so I wiped his cheeks, staring into his eyes "Are you still the same Chanyeol? The one that said it?" "No, I don't know why I said it. I don't wish you were never born, I'm grateful you're here." I pulled him in for a kiss, not wanting to pull away "I forgive you baby....just.....just don't leave me." I sniffled, only pulling away to say that "Katherine?" Chanyeol whispered, biting my neck "Ah, yeah?" "Come home." I was whining, gripping at the back of shirt "Hmm, later." "Now!"
"Chan." I pushed him away a little, just so I was facing him "What you said last night......really hurt." "I know and I'm so sorry for what I said, I feel terrible. You're carrying my cub, I should be grateful." He whispered, leaning down to kiss the baby who kicked "Oh.....ow." "What? Are you okay? Oh my god, I'll go get Jin." "No.... she kicked." "She kicked?" "Oh yeah." I whimpered after the next kick which was stronger "Ah. Fuck she's strong." Chanyeol helped me up and got me to Jin who came rushing over, worry etched onto his face "Is everything okay? Do we need to take you to hospital?" "She's kicking....ah you little fucker, you better fucking stop." I growled, Jin frowning "Maybe you should go to BamBam. He might be able to help?" "Can you help me Chanyeol?" "I'm hurt you asked." I hugged Jin as hard as I could, sighing "Thank you for last night Jin." "You know you're always welcome here." "Thank you." I kissed his cheek, pulling away as Chanyeol helped me outside
"Shall we run?" "You are in no condition to run. I'll get-" "I can drop you off?" Jin asked while smiling "No, you've already done enough for me, I can't ask for anything more." "Don't worry. I'm worried so I just wanna make sure you get there quickly." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." He got the keys to the car, ushering me into the front seat "Ah.....ow." I whimpered, tears filling my eyes "Jin, make it stop." I sniffled, Chanyeol leaning his arm round and rubbing the place she kicked "Shh baby, daddy is right here." "Chanyeol." I whispered, placing my hand over his "Yeah?" "She...good....done." I passed out in the car, Jin speeding us home.
"Here." Jin pulled up to the house so I wasted no time in jumping out, rushing to pick up Katherine. When I got inside, I saw everyone sitting in the living room except the person we needed most "MOVE." I barked, everyone shifting off the couch as I lay Katherine down "Where is BamBam?" "Him and Jackson are screwing." "Pick the worst time." I rested a pillow under Katherine's head, rushing upstairs to where I could hear Bam moaning. I opened the door, not even caring that they were fucking "Bam, you need to come downstairs right now." "Erm I'm sort of busy Cha-" "It's Katherine." His eyes widened at the mention of my mate "Can you step outside for a second? I'll be right down." I nodded, rushing downstairs to see everyone panicking "Chanyeol?" "What?" "She feels weak." BamBam and Jackson came rushing down, neither wearing a top "Get out my way."
I shoved past everyone, dropping to my knees beside Katherine. I felt her forehead, then her pulse and then I checked the cub, feeling her kick strongly "She's fine." "But?" "Baby, go get my bag. Somebody go and get me a bowl of water and a wet cloth." Youngjae got the bowl and cloth, Jackson running off and coming back with my bag "Here." He leaned down and kissed me, calming me down a little "Thanks." I got the cloth, dipped it in the water and rinsed it, placing it over Katherine's forehead "Is my mate okay?" Chanyeol whimpered, Suho nurturing him "She's gonna be okay." I smile, rummaging through my bag to find the needle and vial of my blood. Don't ask, just go with it "What's that?" "My blood." I got it ready and put it in one of her veins, inserting my blood into her system "When was the last time she ate?"
"She had toast at mine but hadn't ate properly in two days. Three days now." "So she's been starving herself? Am I that bad to be around?" "You have to remember what she was going through. Her parents are in hospital, her mate lost his mind, she's pregnant. She's been so stressed out." I whispered, cleaning everything up "Someone go and get meat, Chanyeol come here." He knelt beside me, D.O getting the meat for me "Thanks. Feed her." "How do you expect me to do that?" "She's your mate, I doubt she'd like the idea of someone else putting their mouth to hers." "I'm not doing that." "Fine but you can't get mad." I ripped a piece of the meat off, put it in my mouth and chewed until it was sort of pasty, pressing my lips to hers. When her mouth opened, I fed her the meat, watching her eat it "B......" "Shhh, just keep eating." I kept doing it with little pieces until it was over, changing the cloth "Bam.........." "How are you feeling?" "So hungry." "I bet. Want more?" "Yeah." Her voice was croaky so D.O got a container full of steak, handing it to me "Wanna feed yourself? Or do you still need me to do it?" "No.........meat..........blood."
"Do you want Chanyeol's?" She shook her head a little "Who's blood then?" "Yours." "That vial wasn't enough?" I chuckled, bringing my wrist up to her lips "Go on then." She bit me gently, feeding a little "Wait.......why blood?" I frowned, looking at Suho who shrugged." "When we were in school, before we went into the sauna she tried to bite me." "What?" "And she ended up feeding from me." I took my arm away, Katherine whimpering "Hold on sweetie." I rummaged through my bag, bringing something out "What's that?" "Just something." I put the needle in her vein, taking a little bit of blood "Chanyeol, feed her." He did while I went into the kitchen, grabbing a little bit of salt "What are you doing?" "Something, go wait through." Jackson started kissing the back of my neck, chuckling "It wasn't fair that we got interrupted." "Katherine is more important than anyone else right now." I snapped by accident, Jackson standing back
"More important than me?" "No baby. I'm sorry, I'm just confused and worried." "I understand." He wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder "But what are you doing?" "Checking something. Can you get me some ice." He got an ice cube out of the freezer so I put the salt on my arm and then put the ice on it, wincing "Don't do that." Jackson tried to stop me but I moved away, waiting until there was a burn mark "Okay." Since werewolves couldn't heal that easily, I decided to put some of Katherine's blood on the wound, watching it. It took a couple of seconds before it seeped into the wound, healing it "Erm.....what's Katherine's last name?" "It's....... I don't know." I went through, looking at everyone "What's Katherine's last name?" "She never told us....why?" "Well......If I'm right......she's a hybrid." "What? How do you know that?"
"Think about it. Wolves don't need blood, we need meat. Plus I purposely hurt myself and used her blood. It healed instantly." "What? My mate is a hybrid?" "The cub is gonna be a hybrid. I'm not sure if it's actually Katherine or if it's just the cub." "Either way, my mate is a hybrid." Chanyeol pulled away from Katherine who was wide awake "Baby feels better." "Katherine?" "Yes Bam?" "What's your last name?" "Gilbert.....why?" "Oh fuck no. Keep the fuck away from me." I immediately backed away from her, growling "Why? What's wrong?" "Bam?" She frowned and went to come near me but I moved away "What did I do? What's so bad about my last name?" "Because your family are cunts." "Excuse me?" "You heard me." I snapped, Jackson grabbing my arm "Babe, calm down." "No when I know who she is." "And what is that Bam? Can somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?" "Erm......promise you won't get mad." "What?" "You're a hybrid." "A what? Is that like some disease?" I stared into her eyes which held complete confusion "A hybrid....is.....half wolf half vampire."