Back Off - Sixteen

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That same night we got to planning. Sehun had left a couple hours ago, none of us bothering since he could handle himself "She's kicking." "Yeah, she's kicking my head." Baekhyun mumbled, getting comfy again "Shhh." I pet his hair, looking at everyone "Now am I going or not?" "No. We can't put either of you at risk." Suho spoke but I just scoffed "I'm the only wolf that can kill them, I'm our advantage and their disadvantage." "But one false move and they could possibly kill you." "They wouldn't. They want me for the baby and they aren't fucking getting her." I growl, the cub kicking once more when Baekhyun kissed my belly "Please calm down, I just wanna rest." He whispered, laying back down when she stopped "You can come, but you're waiting in the car." "What? Do I have to?" "Yeah." I looked outside, seeing that vampire again who motioned me outside "Baek, go cuddle Chan. I'm gonna run to the shop." "By yourself?" "No, I've got someone going with me." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." I got up, putting my shoes and hoodie on, grabbing my purse "I'll be back." "Noona?" "Hmm?" I look at Tao who looked nervous "Can you....." He got up and came over, whispering into my ear "Kris wanted me to go get them but I'm too embarrassed." "Got it. Don't worry." I kissed his temple, shaking my head at Kris "You can give me the money back." I smirked, leaving.

The vamp followed, catching up when I turned down the street "What is it now?" "It would seem like you have a mole in your pack." "What do you mean?" "They know exactly when you're going to attack and how." "What? How do they know that?" "The mole." "I'm gonna kill them. How do you know?" "I'm working with them under my coven. Basically, I'm a spy." "Fuck. Everything's ruined and they're gonna kill my family." "They told me to tell you something." "What?" "In your house, your parents house, there's a safe behind the photo of your family. You've to get the stuff in there." "What's the code?" He wrote it on my hand with his finger, nodding "I'd suggest you hurry up home." "How are my parents doing?" I asked once we got into the shop "They aren't doing too good. They haven't eaten since they got taken, they're weak. The 'master' is getting impatient. If you don't turn up by midnight, he's gonna kill them." "What?" I whisper, tears filling my eyes "But.....but...." "I suggest hurrying up home. You need to tell them."

"Do you know who the mole is?" "No, I only caught a glimpse. Tall, brown hair? Looked angry?" "Sehun." I growl. I got the things I wanted, paid and then stormed home, the vamp following "I suggest you calm down. You can't give it away that you know." "What? I'm gonna kill him?" "You can use this to your advantage." He told me everything I could do, causing me to smirk "Good idea. Tell my parents to hang on a little longer." I went home, going in to find Sehun there "Have fun with your friends?" His eyes widened but I just raised a brow "Well? You were gone for quiet some time." "It was boring." "I wouldn't know, I'm not a rat." I mumbled under my breath, Kris and Tao coming over "You're the best." I passed them to him, ruffling his hair as he dragged Tao upstairs "Enjoy." "We will." I sat down, bringing out my coconut water "Guys, new information has been brought to my attention." "What?" "We have until midnight or my parents die." Sehun's eyes widened and he went to leave but I stopped him "Where do you think you're going?" "Out." "Get back here and sit down." Suho spoke, Sehun rolling his eyes

"Sit down rat." He did, not paying any attention "So what are we going to do now?" I didn't tell them my new plan, only because Sehun was in the room "We'll have to" "Is that a good idea?" "First, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, come with me." "Where?" "My house." We left, heading there when I smelt something weird "Quick." I ran in, up to the room, ripped the safe off and grabbed a bag, stuffing everything in it "Someone go to my room, there's a gun under my underwear." Chanyeol went and got it, bringing it back "We good?" "There's something I need to tell you guys. Sehun is the one that destroyed our plan." "What?" "I met up with the vampire who gave the necklace to my parents. He saw Sehun in the hideout, telling them our plan. Fortunately, I came up with a new one." "What?" "Wait till we get home. We need to tell the others." "Wait a second..... Call Jimin and his group over. They could help since they're vampires." "Good call." I got my phone and called Jimin

"Hello?" "Get to Chanyeol's right now." "Is everything okay?" "No. Bring the others." I hung up, the three of us going home "Kat?" "Yeah?" "Are we gonna be okay?" "If everything goes according to plan, we'll be okay." "What if something happens?" "I've got it all figured out." We saw BTS at the front door, Sehun arguing with them "Sehun go out. We need to discuss business and it's private." He got his stuff and left, Xiumin inviting them in "What is going on?" "A coven of rogues have took my family and are gonna kill them because Sehun destroyed our plan." "Sehun did?" "He was seen talking to the leader about what we were gonna do. I came up with a new plan. But we need you guys to help." The door went so I go over and opened it, that vampire there "Come in." He did, going through when Xiumin stood up "Why are you here?" "He was the one that told me and he's here to help." "Yup."

"What's the plan?" Jackson spoke, all of them looking at me as I grabbed my duffel bag. I opened it, revealing the explosives, detonators. Everything we would need and money "What the hell?" "The plan is, we get my parents, take the leeches out, blow the place to smithereens." I explained it properly, everyone going off to get ready "What do you need us to do?" "Well since you guys can take them out, I need you to do so. Jimin and Jungkook will get my parents out, the rest of you can hold the fuckers off." "Are you coming with?" "I'll be operating from the car." "Van. It'll be easier in a van."

"Okay." Everyone came back down, my phone vibrating "We have two hours, everyone ready?" I got all the earpieces, handing them out. Jungkook, Suga and Jin got one but the others didn't want one. "Onew, Key, Suho, Xiumin, D.O, Kris, JB and Mark. You guys get one." "Who gets the last one?" "Me so I can be updated." They nod when I went upstairs, coming back with another bag "What's in there?" "Guns." We got into the vans (Minho, Key, Xiumin and Jin got them), splitting up "Everyone got their earpiece in?" I tested it, all of them answering "Okay, we're almost there." Once we had arrived, we parked in a dark alley down the street, everyone crowding round me "Who's with who?"

Suho- Lay, Luhan
Kris- Tao
D.O- Kai
Xiumin- Baekhyun, Chen, Chanyeol

JB- Jinyoung, Youngjae, Yugyeom
Mark- Jackson, BamBam

Onew- Minho
Key- Taemin, Jonghyun

Jungkook- Jimin
Suga- V
Jin- Rap Monster, J-Hope

"Here." I handed out a bomb to all the leaders of the groups, Minho hugging me "Stay safe Minho." I whisper, looking up at him "Don't worry, I'll come back in one piece." "You better." I hugged him as tightly as I could, not wanting to let go "Come on, I'll be okay. You should be more worried about your mate." I pulled away, leaning up to kiss his cheek "Stay safe Minho." I hugged everyone, sniffling "Stay safe guys." "You too Katherine." It came to Chanyeol but I didn't want to hug him, instead I tried to stop my tears "I'm gonna be fine." He hugged me but I pushed him away, everyone standing away from us "No. I refuse to let you go in." He kneeled down and kissed the bump, sighing "Daddy is gonna be okay. Look after mommy for me." He got up and hugged me, kissing me "I love you." I pulled him back down for a kiss, only pulling away when I had to "Don't get hurt." "I promise."

But he broke that promise...........

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