An Explanation

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At the dawn of creation, there were six elemental crystals sent out across the universe.

The first stone was the reality stone. It had the potential to change the entire galaxy. The user could use it to create reality in the way they dreamed of.

The power stone granted the user great power capable of killing any organic being with a touch of their fingers.

The soul stone is a mystery for no one was able to find it. The abilities of the stone are unknown to most.

The fourth stone, mind, gives the user great knowledge over pretty much everything. It also has the ability to bend minds to their will.

Time allows the owner to manipulate time. Rewinding it, going forward, freezing, or looping. Time would bend to their will.

Space allows the being to cross worlds by opening portals. It even managed to power some technology on earth.

When these stones were sent out, they bonded to six beings, preparing them for change. To the societies of that time, these people were considered gods and goddesses. The stones gave them their power, and if they came to possess the stone, they would be unstoppable.

These people only emerge when things are changing. They can live as long as they wish, and have the ability to stay immortal at a particular age or age like everyone else.

Which is why when the space stone was found at the bottom of the ocean by Howard Stark, six children were born on the same day. Six children with remarkable abilities.

They grew up normally until they started to discover their abilities. That's when someone came along and found them. That's when they were found and brought to safety. They brought them to SHIELD.

There were six children, three boys and three girls. They all decided together to put on their immortality at sixteen. The perfect age to be able to go undercover and still be strong enough to fight.

As the years went by, Nick Fury never let the Infinites out until the battle on New York. That was when they showed themselves to the world.

The oldest of the children was a girl named Penelope Shaw. She was given the abilities from the space stone, the one that started it all. She could sense other people coming within a one mile distance, and she could create portals to go to anywhere in the galaxy that she could picture with her mind. The people named her after Mercury, the Roman god of travel.

The second person born was a boy named Griffin Butler. He had the abilities of the time stone, allowing him to slow time down. He also could see little bits of the future which helped in combat. He was named after the Roman god/titan of time, Saturn.

The third was Miles Bell who had similar powers of the mind stone. The people called him Minervo based off the roman goddess of wisdom, Minerva. He was the smartest person alive which helped him figure out situations in seconds, while also having telekinesis.

Violet Brooks was the fourth born Infinite. Her powers related to the reality stone which caused people to call her Veritas. Veritas was the Roman goddess of truth. Her powers let her create illusions and abled her to see inside a person's dream.

Nathan Owens gained his capabilities from the power stone. It gave him the strength to destroy anything with a touch of his fingers. But it also allowed him to heal beings and strengthen them. This gave him the title of Kratos, the roman god of strength.

The last born was Evelyn Patterson, also known as Psyche. She was named after the goddess of souls because her powers came from the alluded soul stone. She could tell a person's true intentions, and had the power to bring souls back from the dead in a fight.

These six called themselves the Infinites. They fought in the battle of New York against Loki where they made themselves heroes. They went off to fight their own battles for a while until they were called back to help save the world from Ultron. They stayed together until Civil War when they had differing opinions. But they would be destined to return to fight the final battle they were called for.

The battle for control of the Infinity Stones.

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